The Mysterious Woman

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"And who are you supposed to be ?" Jon asked the mysterious woman in a red - gold mask before they started to follow her inside the city.
"My name is Quaithe, if it pleases Yor Grace." The woman answered to him as a King and she could feel how uncomfortable he was. "You have much to find here in Qarth, and I represent one the 13."

Jon alongside Ghost followed the two woman inside the city. As they all walked the people went out and looked to Jon as he is somekind of God and that made him unpleasent.
"Why are those people watching me ?" He asked Quaithe.
"There is a legend in Essos that a man would arrive on a dragon alongside a wolf who has white furr and and red eyes," Quaithe was describing Jon, "that man you, and your direwolf is a brother to Daenerys's dragons." Quathie finished.
"You are a King to them, Jon Snow." Kinvara stated.
"I'm not a King." Jon answered back, he wished that he has never been born.

As Quaithe showed them the place in which will they be, Jon noticed that the room has been already used by another visitor.
"She was also here." Jon was talking about Dany with a tear falling from his cheek.
"That was different time and a different situation," Kinvara recalled the event as if she had been with her the whole time, "Daenerys came to this city with hopes to take back the Iron Throne, but you, Jon Snow, you came here to find yourself and be finnaly whole in your."
"I'll never be whole again." Jon started to cry and lowered his head. "Not after what I did to her and to the people of King's Landing." He blamed himself for everything that has happened in that.
"She needed to die, Jon Snow, so that she could overcome her ancestrial madness just as you had to die to learn and accept the truth about yoursel." Kinvara's words were kind and with full of reason. "What you did is not your fault and neither hers, and now you are here for a reason."
As she talked about, Jon noticed she was talking about Dany's Madness and turned to her. "What are you talking about ?"
"Daenerys is alive and well in King's Landing, she helps your family to maintain peace and order in Westeros until the One True King arrives." She gave a look to Jon's eyes. "You are still afraid of your true self and you have to set yourself free in order to become the person who you are meant to be."
As she looked at him, Jon got scared and he started to worry.

The next morning Jon was as usual awake at the first morning lights, he couldn't belive that Dany was alive, and alongside his friends and family that would rather see her dead again just as she would have killed them. But no, that was not possible, if she would have taken revenge against his sisters, Drogon would be with her and not with him, Jon's head was in pain.

As walked throught the streets with Ghost, he noticed an old trail of blood leading to an abandoned building. Ghost started to follow it with Jon behind him. As the reached the end he could see a massive door.
"It's Valyrian Steel." Jon stated and spotted a medallion laying on the ground.
"Is there someone." A male voice came out of nowhere and Jon was aware that someone is trapped inside the vault.
"Help us! Please!" And female voice cried out.
"How can I help you ?" Jon asked them.
"There is medallion that serves as a key to open the door !" The man answered.
Jon looked around found the madallion of which he hear, he took it and unlocked the vault. As the door came open a man and a woman emerged out of the shadow and started to thank him for helping them out.

"Thank you, ser." The man was taller than him and his skin was black but the woman was of Dothraki origin. "We thought that we would never leave this place, how can ever thank you for that ?" The woman added.
"You can both thank him by serving him, Xaro and Doreah." Quaithe came out of nowhere and looked at them suspiciously. "You both have the honor to meet Aegon of the Houses Stark and Targaryen, the One True King of Westeros." As she told them about Jon's true name they both looked at him in fear and knelt before him without any hesitation.

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