Next Chapter 3

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The sleek limousine pulled up to the empty Forest, the scene leaving both Percy and Alfred confused.
"Come on shortie, it's just past that hill!" Nico called over
Alfred gave Percy a wary look, but none the less grabbed the young boys bags and followed him.

Because the trip was far away and with Nico, who Bruce didn't know very well (And cause little Neeks is a suspect but Percy don't know that)
Alfred had to come with AND help Percy with things,  and follow him, no matter how much Percy didn't want a butler it was the only way to come with Nico.

"But Bruce!" Percy whined

"No arguing! This is good practice for when you actually have to let him do stuff. It's the price of being rich." He explained, Percy was too independent, and he needed to learn how to rely on someone for small things sometimes. And Nico wasn't the best person on Bruce's nice list.

So now, Percy had to let Alfred do a lot of things, like packing, carrying his stuff, and small things that where annoying to Percy.

As the boys exited the limo, Alfred got the boys bags as they started their hike. There was a NO PHONES rule, so Alfred sent a quick text to Bruce and Percy's friends that they arrived safely and would not be able to talk on weekdays, they would go into town on weekends to catch up.

Once they got to the tall house at the top of the hill, Nico knocked on the door, and the sight was sure one you didn't want to see.

A blond girl with circles under her eyes, frizzed up hair, and puffy lips as she bit on them, the rest of the group wasn't as bad, but they look depressed, dirty, and like they where going to rip their hair out.

"Hey guys...I have someone for you guys to meet." Nico pathetically greeted, as he pushed Percy forward.

The blond girl practically jumped on him and showered him with kisses.

"Whoa! Whoa! Lady! I got a boyfriend, what the hell!" Percy pushed her off with a glare in his eyes.

"What..." the girl said in barley a whisper

"Yeah! I'm gay! So what. That still doesn't give you a right to kiss a random stranger! Ugh, this is worse when my brothers tried to get me to meet Artemis."

"Brothers?" Some whispered

"Hehe, so I'm gonna take Percy to his cabin, then me and you guys are gonna have a talk, yeah? Okay."

Nico quietly led Percy out of the house as they treaded towards a big beach house near the lake.

"Whoa...C-Can you stay here. With me, it's too big to be alone." Percy stuttered out

"We will have to talk to the directors about that but, sure, if they let us. You get settled in, then meet me at the big ship over there when your done."

Percy nodded, knowing full well Alfred would un-pack for him, he started towards the boat.


"What the hell! Why did he react like that!" Annabeth was furious

"Because his memory is because of MORTAL CAUSES! I have been over this, yet you couldn't control your emotions, so now because of yourself he doesn't feel comfortable with you!" Nico gritted his teeth that she was blaming him.

Knock knock knock

The door creaked open slowly revealing perch, he was shorter and skinnier than the group remembered.
"H-Hi, um, Nico said to come here..." he muttered out

"Yes! Come over I wanna introduce you to my friends."

Percy came in with a tall older man walking behind him.
"Uh, who is that?" A Latino boy asks

"Oh! Well in order for Da- Bruce, let me come, Alfred here has to follow me and do stuff, I hate it, but it's the only way." Percy said

"Well let's get started, This is Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Annabeth chase, Hazel Levesque my Half sister and, Piper should be here."

Barging in came a familiar girl with Cherokee styled feathers in her hair and dirt all over her clothes.

"Piper! I didn't know you would be here!" Percy ran over and hugged her, a glare set over Annabeth's eyes toward Piper.

"You two know each other?" Nico asked

"Duh! We met at the Fundraiser ball a few weeks ago!How do you guys know him?" Piper chirped.

"The Wayne one?" Jason asked, disregarding her question

"Yeah, I was the one hosting it after all, well really Dick was but yeah." Percy explained

"Sorry, I am Perseus Wayne, Son of Bruce Wayne," Percy introduces "and Sally Jackson, not biologically son of Bruce, that stuff gets complicated I'll explain it later, but I better get something to eat, I'm starving." Just then the dinner bell rang and Percy sprinted off, dragging Piper behind with him.

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