Next Chapter Part 4

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First version was crappy as hell! We are re-doing it AND HOW IS THIS #1 IN WALLY WEST LIKE OWNDNDNDNAKALLQKA but first I'm gonna re-read my own book - this is just gonna keep updating as I work so don't read stuff or else you might get confused if I change something and you read it already

Percy POV

Percy dragged Piper along to the Dinning Hall a grin on his face as he finally had a close friend, him and Nico where close but Bruce was more lenient with Piper.
He quickly sat down at the first table, as people began to whisper.

"What? Are they talking about me?" Percy asked a worried look on his face

At this, Piper screamed to the crowd "Hey! Cut it out!"
She sat back down, grabbing a plate of fries and a burger, handing it to Percy.
" I swear, your too skinny! Yet your stomach is a bottomless hole." She grinned at him

"I gotta, Alfred feeds us endlessly." He smiled

The rest of the gang trickled in, sitting next to them, Annabeth pale, with puffy red eyes.

"So Percy," Jason started
"You said you were a Wayne? Isn't he some billionaire?"

"Yeah, technically he's my uncle, my mom died in the same accident I lost my memory. Me and my boyfriend are still working on that."

"Boyfriend!?" Annabeth's eyes winded a bit as she looked over

"Yeah, Wally West, I should probably call him on Saturday, Alfred, remind me!" Percy rambled

"Who are the couples here?" He asked

"Well Me and Piper are together, Nico is dating Will, he is over there," Jason pointed to another table " Frank and Hazel, the purist, and Annebeth, it's complicated." Jason explained nodding his head towards the girl

"Oh poor girl, come on, you don't need that idiot, honestly! A pretty girl like you - even though a bit psychotic when we met - should be able to find an easy rebound to make him jealous, or better!" Percy walked over, pulling her up
"We're gonna be late for the campfire! Moping won't bring him back, trust me!" He dragged her over grappling a handful of fries into his mouth sprinting over.

'You Can count on me like 1,2,3!'
Everyone sang around the fire swinging to the beat of the songs as Will Solace, son of Apollo strung his fingers with the guitar.
Percy's smile was bright as he danced, eye slowly drifting closed as he sat down next to Jason.
"Hey, Jason. I'm just gonna lean on you for like 2 seconds, okay? Good" Jason smiled as he waved Nico over.

"Of course! I'll take him to his cabin before you starts to drool."
Jason let Percy fall a bit before Nico caught him, one arm under his legs and the next under his back.
"He's just so calm sleeping. Absolutely adorable!" Jason coos as Percy snuggled deeper into Nico's chest. (A/N bad author this is Percy/Wally not Percico, get back on track!)


The trip came to an end after loads of visits to the lake and sleep overs at everyone's cabins. Annabeth slowly stitched back her relationship with Percy to something mutual even if he didn't remember.
Alfred had sunken into the background until he popped right back up to take Nico and Percy home.

"I'm home!"
Percy called out to no one answering
Walking around, he saw shoes on the floor and pillows distraught around the living room.
Going to the kitchen for a quick snack, there they were around the kitchen table glaring at him.
"Uh, Hi? What happened?"
Artemias stalked up fists clenched before swinging making Percy stumble back holding his now throbbing eye and bleeding nose.
"What In the ever living fuck was that for!"
A few of them were taken by surprise, never hearing the small boy cuss before.
"Wally saw you with him! Your friend, Nico! Having fun, walking in town on your little date! He's broken because of you." Looking at Percy again, his brows were furrowed laced in confusion. Apparently Dick thought the first punch didn't knock some sense into him, so Dick swung again even harder into Percy's jaw then kicking him in the leg.
"Then you go on a trip with him, probably moaning his name half the time!" Dick shouted

"Alright! First of all, ew! And two, we are FRIENDS! Okay! We went on a camping trip, to a year-round camp with like 100 other people there, I was there alone and 90% of the time was with a friend group that consists of 7 other people! Maybe if he asked, or you asked, or someone with an actual brain asked!"

Percy slowly limped to stand, wiping the blood from his nose that was like lucifers waterfall.

Meghan rose from her seat grabbing napkins, twisting them, then pushing away Artemia and Dick, shoving the napkins up his nose.

Muttering a thanks he limped out of the kitchen.

"Man Dick, you're really living up to your name."
A new voice approached, Damian

"I think we should pay a visit to the little speedster before you beat up the other." pivoting to exit, He called out


A/N - Dedicated to nerdy_godling
For helping me FINALLY finish this chapter

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