Micah must've trusted Elias for a reason. Elias doubted Micah would go around telling all his human friends about his little secret. Now that Elias thought of it, he was pretty sure he was the only human that Micah spoke to.

They weren't exactly friends either, they were more. Micah had made it clear from time to time that he had feelings for Elias. Is that why Micah told him the truth? Because he had a crush on Elias? Elias shook away these thoughts and continued staring at Dom, who was now starting to look a bit annoyed.

"Why are you staring at me?" Dom finally looked up at Elias.

"Twilight is a nice movie, don't you think?" Elias asked.

"Really?" Dom scoffed, "It's pathetic."

"Yeah? But Edward's so hot. I've always been Team Vampire." Elias stated.

"Oh no, werewolves are much, much better than those stupid vamps."

"Eh, I don't get what's special about mutts." Elias smirked, he knew Dom was getting frustrated and he loved it.

"Fuck you," Dom rolled his eyes, "Werewolves are awesome."

"Why? Because you're one?" Elias burst out laughing as Dom looked like he almost had a heart attack. Dom looked at Elias with his eyes so wide open, the human was afraid they'd pop right out.

"What? Me? A werewolf? So stupid." Dom had always been a terrible liar.

"Dude, I know. About you and Kat." Elias chuckled.

"Did she tell you?" Dom sighed.

"No, I haven't told her that I know yet. But judging from your reaction. I'm gonna have loads of fun when I tell her."

"I swear on my future mate, I'm definitely going to get back at you." Dom narrowed his eyes.

"You future what?" Elias raised a brow.

"What? You know about werewolves but not about mates?" Dom questioned, an amused look on his face as he looked at the confused blonde, "Each werewolf has a mate, like a soulmate, you know? We get to know who they are by their scent, and we're automatically drawn to them. They're our one and only. Werewolf mates can't survive without one another. Mates complete each other."

"Huh, can a werewolf only have a werewolf as their mate?" Elias asked.

"Yeah, well, mostly yeah. I don't think I know any wolf with a human mate but I do know it's possible, rare but possible." Dom answered.

"You haven't found your mate yet?"

"No, barely anyone our age has yet. Oh except Micah, he found his mate. He hasn't told us who yet, just that he found them."

"What?" Elias yelled and got up from his seat in disbelief, only settling back down after being shushed by the librarian.

"Yeah, wait, who told you about us anyway, was it Jensen?" Dom asked and Elias shook his head, "Then who? Wait, don't tell me it was-"

"Micah, yeah," Elias bit his lower lip, "Why would he flirt with me if he had found his mate? Why would he-" He stopped midway as realisation hit both him and Dom.

"Unless.." Dom trailed off.

"Unless I'm his mate."


As the bell rang signalling the end of the last period, Elias walked the hallways like a zombie. He couldn't believe Micah would keep something as important as this from him. From all that Dom could tell him before he ran out of the library after realising what he had done, and from a few Google searches, Elias knew that mates were a huge deal for werewolves.

He was mad at Micah for keeping this from him, but a part of him understood. It was a big secret, and Micah had to be afraid of rejection. Like Dom had mentioned, werewolves can't live without their mates. This was more committing than marriage, Elias had thought, and technically werewolves didn't even have a choice in who they want to mate with.

Elias yelped in surprise as someone pulled him inside an empty classroom before shutting the door. Elias was ready to throw a punch but calmed down when he saw Jensen.

"I need your help. I know you know about werewolves, I don't know if you know this but I'm one too. Even though I'm not a member of Micah's pack." Jensen said.

"I know." Elias nodded.

"Oh," Jensen looked down before he sighed and started explaining the situation to him. He told him what had happened between his and Micah's brother. How they were attacked, and that resulted in him and his brother getting kicked out and how Jeremiah grew fearful of wolves, so much so that he left his pack and his position.

"What? It wasn't anybody's fault! Only of those werewolves that attacked them! You can't blame someone for wanting to explore." Elias ran his fingers through his hair in frustration of the unjust punishment.

"I know," Jensen whispered, "But we weren't really part of the pack, you see. Even though the Alpha had accepted us, we were still rogues that he took pity on. And after the first sign of trouble, he kicked us out. He could've punished Jared in other ways but he did what was the easiest, he just disposed of us."

"This is so unfair," Elias frowned, "But I don't know how you expect me to help. I don't know what I can do."

"Micah cares for you, I don't know why so, but he does-" Jensen's half lie was cut off by Elias.

"He cares because I'm his mate," Elias grunted, "Or atleast I think I am."

"You know?" Jensen asked in disbelief.

"Wait, you know too?" Elias questioned, "Great. Just great."

"Look, yeah you're his mate and that means he would do anything for you. I don't think I can protect my brother if he goes after Jeremiah. Micah and his father.. I don't even want to think about what they'll do to him."

"You think.. you think Micah would hurt your brother?" Elias asked and Jensen scoffed.

"Hurt? He would kill him in order to protect his family," Jensen sighed, "Please Elias. You're my only hope. Please help me protect the only family I have. Please." Jensen begged and Elias nodded.

Elias wasn't sure what he knew anymore. Getting to know about the existence of supernatural creatures was one thing, but being thrown into that life was a whole another scenario.

He thought he knew Micah, he thought he knew the boy he had spent the past few months with, even after learning that he was a werewolf, he still thought that he knew Micah. But after today's revelations, he wasn't so sure anymore.


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