0628 | rant

34 4 5

when will parents begin to understand that the reason i don't tell them about shit is cause ik they're just gonna trash talk about it? ok u wanna know why u had to hear about drama in my class from my teachers and not from ur own fucking child? cause i know ure only gonna criticise it and disapprove of it and shit

like god,,, my mom keeps lecturing me saying i keep posting "faadu faaduge ethathati" on workplace and i-

listen, she even scolded me for liking and commenting on a picture of the sch captain when he got gold medal(s) at athletics. i literally only said "congratulations cappi" and she chewed me out. she keeps telling me stop using workplace but??? hi? little does she know that i use it cause it's a place i can be social without being awkward or anxious? im rlly introverted idk why she has like never noticed 

and the weird things she keeps accusing me of writing are just my stories wtf. once u told me to post my writings and when i do it's wrong??

and when the athletes went to fuvamulah in march she asked if i was keeping up with them and when i said i wasn't she gave me a whole lecture about keeping up my friends

and now this time, when i do, that's again wrong?? i can't talk to my classmates and check what's up? im not allowed to socialize? i'm not allowed to congratulate them? wth. 

pls make up ur mind!!!

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