0520 | profile + tag

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i saw misa doing a profile thing and i dunno it just made me want to do one too uwu

name: luha / kei, can me whatever u want

birthday: 21 june 2005. in a month from now I'll be what, 13? no, 14 or something, i don't really know and all i want for my birthday is to get my glasses made oof

groups / soloists: cracks knuckles eyee this could be long mate. astro, svt, kard, vixx, exo, bp, twice, rv, mmm, bts, jbj, got7, skz, oneus, plt, txt, mx, nct, shinee, Eric, punch, khan, golcha, infinite, itzy, jimin, 14u, akmu, cheeze, unb, ace, hoya, jbj95, loco, 1team, exid, pristin, donghan, suju, winner, ptg, clc, sf9, btob, g-idle, taehyun, sewoon, n.flying, sunmi, crush, dean, jvde, jay, woody, woodz, mola, day6 and idk

likes / things that make me happy: rainy days, tea, flavoured milk & flavoured teas, cereal, chill songs, diSNEY, colour palettes ( im such a hoe for them istg ), kpop, friends, promoting my faves, being acknowledged, helping out, design, minimalist illustrations, soft messages, seeing others happy, karoake, making notes, yogurt, fruits, hugs 

dislikes: overdone edits & designs, the smell of flowers and perfume in general, selfish & fake people, submarines, oily food, junk food, rock music, when people don't close the gODDAMN DOOR, heavy scents, lotion, traditional food, dhivehi in general, prejudices, especially the traditional ones


a hufflepuff meaning luha is v v loyal, and if anyone dares hurts any of her loved ones she wILL come for them so beware. once u get to know her & if u get close she can be super clingy, and she'll get high a lot, will probably rant a lot about her faves ( example: minhyuk, astro, svt, jinwoo ) she'll send random af soft messages in her soft hrs and will want to cuddle to death. 

also a cancer! so when it's not soft hrs it's then emo hrs where she gets all emotional, thus the name, and she will get insecure about every single thing !!!! like no kidding it gets out of control. pls handle her with caution she is very fragile and needs lots of attention or she will die ( like tinkerbell ) by drowning in insecurities 🙃

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ok this next tag thing is smth ive had in my drafts since march and idk where tf i got this from and half the questions are missing lololol leggo!

what should we call u?

luha , or whatever else u want! kei works too intense flashbacks

what is the one thing u regret most in ur life?

i cant remember it lmao

things that u dislike

FAKES and i mean faux everything, like from the fake chocolate and these brand rip off's like samsung > singsung etc that sucks

usual moods

oh im so fabulous y'all can never >> ew im so ugly why tf do i exist >> hi good morning miNHYUK IS THE CUTEST PRECIOUS BABY BOY EVER OH MY GOD PLS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH >> lmao y'all r dumb af people r so disgusting i hate everything this is fucked up >> OH LOOK ITS A BIRD !! OH WAIT SHIT THATS THE DOOR DONT DO DRUGS KIDS,,, ok so i maY have had too much cake lol IM HIGH >> i give zero fucks miss me with the bullshit 

dont tell me u don't relate cause i know u do

best thing that happened to u in 2018?

well, netball & uh kpop in general ig

favourite emojies


songs that u recommend

STOP SLEEPING ON PLT seriously im about to freaking punch the wall it makes me so mad people are sleeping on this talent. im convinced theyre one of the best record labels like h1gher & aomg,, actually everyone who listens to them is convinced they r incapable of producing bad songs

favourite song?

currently? exid's me & u + svt's happy ending + eric's runawayyy

i learnt half of runaway's lyrics instead of studying for exams lol

what do u want other people to think of u?

see i actually had a resolution that i want to change people's views of me (irl at least)

like rn everyone sees me as the girl who does ok in studies but is waY too quiet

i wanna change that?? im actually really bad at talking, orally, tbh the only person i can have a conversation while being really,,, like reaL and, ME is my cousin. no one else. maybe my sis but really, no one else

i'll stop before this turns deep--

things u wanna forget?

idk bro i forgot them 

any stories u plan on writing?

yes, ive got some storylines but i cant write ;(

like there's this one gxg rlly cute prompt i found and ITS SO CUTEEE i have the characters and all the scenes and everything set out except. the actual writing ugh

do u have a favourite letter?

no, not really 

l, k, & uh m ??

any specialities?

hire me to be yo promoter eyeee im lookin at u, plt, like pls U KNO i promote gaho, jun, villian, jinwoo & moti better than planaterium ever will B)

and yeahhh that's it

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