0601 | fuck society

34 5 26

okay, story time. so today we were at my grandma's house, eating. my sister came in and was about to pick a plate from the table but my grandma was like, "go and get a plate, you're a girl."

it wasn't even directed at me but damn i felt so triggered.

that actually describes traditional gender roles in general, and i hate it so fucking much. women are just housewives and men are treated like gods. okay wtf

firstly let me just clarify that i'm not even feminist. like i get it but i'm thAT passionate cause i believe it's men who should lead like it says in our religion but , this ????

nopity nope

i really don't like going to that house, especially to eat because of those stereotypes. like i honestly wouldn't ever go there if it weren't for my cousins. my grandma is SO stereotypical and sexist. 

suppose there's some food which i like or something, but if i eat it, that's wrong cause in my grandma's view, MEN exist & are the top priority

all i had was cucumbers at dinner and she was like, "in ur house men might not be there but in this house there are" and she angrily started cutting more cucumbers


and not actually related to this topic but im fucking sure she hates me. 

one time she had the audacity to called me fonni-- which literally translates to selfish & petty by the way-- and guess the fucking reason?

because i don't fucking wear jewellery like gold bracelets and bangles like she does.


and she called me shameless for that too.

i was so offended and hurt i almost cried tbh 

like bitch,

who the fuck calls someone petty & selfish just cause they don't wear jewellery???? WHO

and oh this reminds me that my mom's pretty sexist too

not surprising, she grew under my grandma's care after all

actually she didn't grow up under her care

my mom's always complaining and calling me lazy and telling me stories about the past when she got up at 5 am and made breakfast for everyone (aka the BOYS) and cleaned the house and still went to school on time

she rambles about how lazy am i compared to her

but like mom, it's the 21st century, no one does that anymore, so gee thanks that's irrelevant

why can't she understand that????

i swear to god, i will never get married in my entire life if the other person expects me to wait on him like he's a god. 

i will fucking not

i don't mind doing some things but every single thing?? saying housework is for women?? cleaning is for women? looking after kids is for women? cooking is for women? NOPE

u have hands too big shot

UGH im so done with gender roles. i really REALLY hate them. 

tagging my fellow gender role hater, @ anjal

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