(9) ʜᴇʟᴘ ʜᴀs ᴅɪFFᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢs

Start from the beginning

"P-please... you'll hurt yourself too much a-and I don't want that..." He stuttered out as I hung my head low in embarrassment. I'm not helping anyone just freaking out... They're right... I need to stop.

"Okay," I uttered out. Ash looked back at me and gave me a small smile. Randall relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. I shifted my body and Ash let go of me so I could find a more comfortable position to sit in. I sat flat with my legs crossed and held my shoulder in an effort to TRY to help the pain die down.

I can't open the cases by myself... and I know Ash can't do it alone... Even with Froakie's help, they still might not be able to break the cases...



"Yeah, Cassie?"

"I need you to help Ash and Froakie break open the cases," Randall had been inching closer to me, but as soon as I said that, he hastily backed away from me. He looked down at his feet and mumbled.

"N-No way... I can't help you, I'm way too much of a coward..." Ash walked over to him and kneeled down in front of him.

"You wanna help Cass after she helped you right?" I saw Randall look from Ash to me and gave him a pleading look. He nodded his head and a tear threatened to slide down his cheek.

Ash wiped the tear away and put his hand on Randall's shoulders to motivate him further.

"Then I need everyone's help," They sat there in silence for a minute while Randall looked at me then at Sylveon. He suddenly got a determined look on his face and agreed to help Ash. I smiled as they both stood up straight and prepared to crash into the cases.

I scooted out of their way while the boys and Froakie counted down before charging at the glass cases.

After a few times tackling the cases, tiny pieces of glass scattered across the floor and a few in the air. I covered my eyes to avoid any bits flying my way when I felt something land in my lap. I uncovered my eyes to see Eevee smiling up at me in my lap.

"EEVEE!" I happily squealed out before giving her a huge embrace. Ash, Froakie, and Pikachu had their own happy reunion, along with Randall and Sylveon. Shortly after everyone had reunited with their buddies, the truck halted with a loud screech from the tires.

We heard voices outside and Ash told Randall, Eevee, Sylveon, and I to hide behind the set while he, Froakie, and Pikachu waited for Team Rocket to open the doors. He said he would battle them and distract them while Randall, Eevee, and I escaped.

I was a bit reluctant, but I ended up agreeing and slowly stood up, with help from the boys. We walked over to our hiding spot behind the set and squatted.

I heard muffled voices and the clicks of the locks on the side of the truck opening. Using my good arm, I made sure Randall and Eevee stayed behind me while I kept an eye on Ash and the action.

The truck's side lifted to reveal Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet grinning, most likely thinking that this ridiculous plan they had conjured up was a success. Their smiles were only temporary, as they had noticed a determined Ash and freed Pikachu standing in front of them.

"OH NO!"



The three freaked out and I quietly chuckled to myself.

"Doesn't matter, we can take care of this little pest," Jessie said, pulling out a Pokeball. "Pumpkaboo, GO!"

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