For a while, no one dare to speak. Then, James grumbled:

- Let's return. There's nothing we can do here.


Hadrian blinked. The stupid light was so bright that he had been adjusting for a whole minute. He blinked again in an attempt to chase away the aftereffect that was blocking his eyesight with white patches, but to no avail. He tried stretching his arms to feel around him but they were caught by another pair of big warm hands. Hadrian almost spoke Deorc Elvish, but stopped in time when he realized those hands belonged to...

- Draco?

His vision began to clear and he could see Draco's worried silver eyes.

- Don't "Draco" me. Do you know how worried I was? Seeing you fainting in front of me was not a memorable experience.

Hadrian smiled apologetically. He gently eased Draco:

- But I'm here, aren't I?

Draco looked at him and sighed:

- Fine, but if that happens again,-

- It won't, I promise. - Hadrian grinned. - By the way, have you seen Sev and Lucius?

Draco pointed to the living room behind him:

- They're in there. The ward alerts that there are three people apparated here, but there were only two. So I figured you might be somewhere in the Manor. It seems that I don't have to go any further. - Draco smirked. - Anyway, you look different. What happened?

Normally, Draco wouldn't ask anyone about their appearance. It was rude to do so. However, the change in Hadrian's visage was so significant that he had to question it.

Hadrian hesitated. He only knew that he was put under a block, nothing more. So he timidly answered:

- I really don't know the exact details, but I do know I was put under a block. It's the reason why my appearance had changed. If you want to know more, I think you should ask Sev or your father. I have a hunch that they know everything about this.

Hadrian looked up to observe Draco's reactions, but he saw nothing. Draco's eyes were grim like the sky in stormy days. Hadrian was stunned. He had never seen this side of Draco before, but he wasn't scared, Draco wouldn't hurt him.

Hadrian carefully poked Draco's arm, whispering:

- Hey, what's wrong?

Draco remained silent. He captured Hadrian's finger in his hands and gently squeezed it. They stayed like that for a while before Draco suddenly ran up, pulling Hadrian with him.

Hadrian was surprised and almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for Draco's strong arms. He was also curious about what had caused Draco to act like this. To cause a Malfoy to run in the Manor, it must be very interesting.

They ran up and up, passing corridors and rooms, until they reached the door to topmost tower of the Manor. Draco whispered through his breath:

- Close your eyes.

Still breathing heavily, Hadrian closed his eyes. He wondered what Draco wanted to show him. He felt being led up on the spiral staircase, and he heard a small click coming from the door handle. Then, Draco spoke quietly:

- Open your eyes, Harry.

Hadrian attempted to correct his name, but he stopped. In front of him was the sun, shining its bright warm light upon the sleeping world below. Anywhere the light touched, darkness gave way, retreating to its shelter under the trees and in the caves. The most magnificent of all was the colors of the clouds. Different shades of orange, yellow, and red all combined with each other to create a stunning picture of the early morning sky. It was magnificent.

- It's beautiful, isn't it? The view of the dawn from up here... - Draco exclaimed. - I had wanted to show you this, but you were unconscious, so I had postponed the plan. What a shame... - he sighed.

Hadrian chuckled:

- Don't be like that. I have seen it now, and I'm glad that you brought me here.

Draco looked at Hadrian and smiled lightly:

- It is my pleasure, Harry.

- Hadrian. - Hadrian corrected him. - My name isn't Harry anymore.

- If that's the case, - Draco smirked, - it is my pleasure, Hadrian.


Long time no see, dear readers 😅❤ I'm really, really sorry but I can't no longer update once a week anymore. My schoolwork is enormous and I have to study two programs at the same time, it's very tiring. I haven't had enough sleep these days, and I am only 17 (going on 18)!!! Luckily, my mother doesn't push me to get good grades, so after some time adapting to grade 12, I am back~~!! 😊🌼🌻 Hopefully you will support me and my book with lots of love. ❤💙💛💙

Anyways, I want to ask you something: do you watch "The Untamed"? It's a drama adaptation of "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation", a dammei (boylove) novel. Some may have seen it, some may not, and I suggest you to watch it, for I am in love with the drama and the actors and actresses, they are so...perfect 😍 There are many couples, too. WangXian is one, another is XiYao (my second-favourite couple), then XueXiao (very sad 😢), etc. There are many more couples for you to choose but the upper three are my favourites. 😊😊 There are going to be two extra stories and I am hoping that the second one will have XiYao. 🤣😆

WangXian here~~ ❤💙🖤💙

XiYao my lovelies~~~ 😍💙💛💙💛

P.S. Please don't be mistaken that the characters in the story are these actors. The characters are different and the actors are different. Please understand that they are not the same person. I only put their pictures here for you to recognize them and the drama. Thank you for understanding. 🙇‍♀️


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