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IT WAS ELEANOR'S FIRST DAY AT OURAN ACADEMY AND SHE ALREADY WANTED IT TO BE OVER. THE HALLWAYS SEEMED BUSIER, THE STUDENTS SEEMED LESS INVITING. everyone looked at her, focusing on her every move as their eyes were judging-- whether or not she was going to be one of the popular kids or an outcast.

but that wasn't what was bothering her-- the issue at hand was her missing notebook. she somehow managed to misplace it but wanted nothing more for it to be returned.

she had managed to push past the constant stream of teenagers and to the school garden. the grass was damp and covered in a thin layer of frost. as she walked her footprints were embedded, leaving a piece of her in the cold ground. she neared the extravagant fountain, stepping closer to the edge and crouching down.

from a few feet up the surface was an opaque green, but from just two it was clear enough to see the plants and life below the surface. she had expected the highly colored japanese koi carp and she wasn't disappointed, if anything she was impressed.

they were huge and numerous, each about as long as her arm. she gazed across the wind-ruffed surface to the lily pads in bloom, their white or magenta petals catching the breeze. she inhaled slowly.


her little piece of heaven in the urban jungle.

eleanor sighed like a slight spring breeze, soft and gentle, almost lost against the drone of the traffic. with the sigh, her body visibly relaxed.

now, let's brainstorm and try to retrace my steps..

" hey!"

frightened by the sudden presence, eleanor took in a sudden intake of breath and stumbled backward, jamming her heel into the edge of the fountain behind her-- an unfamiliar hand finding its way around her waist just in time.

".. you should be more careful-- you could've gotten wet, miss ichinose."

a boy's face was a few inches apart from her own and she stared blankly at him with wide, horrific eyes. the girl pushed herself away from the male, her eyes anywhere but on him.

" my apologies for startling you, i just wanted to return this."

she could feel the heat growing in her cheeks. by now they must be beyond an attractive rosiness.

" you didn't have to go through the trouble.. but t-thank you"

a piece of her dark locks twirled around her finger as she clutched the notebook to her chest, her eyes still locked on the ground. hikaru suppressed a smile. he could tell from her blush that she wasn't really familiar around guys, it was cute.

" would you like to join me for lu--?"

the familiar chime of the bells had rung once again.

" i'll see you around.."

and just like that, she was gone.

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