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a classical music prodigy & child of the world renown kai ichinose:


the description didn't do the teen justice, it was little more than a cool detailing of her achievements. it spoke nothing of the woman inside, the one who loved with her soul on fire yet faced the world as a warrior. it failed to capture the girl who was honest when it counted, only flexible with the truth when defending the weak. a list of academia and career says something, telling of the ideas and concepts that drove her curiosity, but summing her up that way was shallow, lazy, and frankly she deserved better.

" lady ichinose, it's your first day! i do wish you the best of luck today."

my first day for the fourth time this year.. 

her sigh was of a softly deflating; it was as if a tension had lifted yet left her with a melancholy instead of relief.

" good morning! are you almost ready to go, love?"

the blonde male says cheerily as he joined them at the breakfast table. eleanor nods at him, finishing the last of her tea.

the nearest maid rushes to collect the dishes, but the teenager protested-- insisting she do it herself.

" come on, elly! you don't want to be late."

" coming, father."

 ⁕ ⁕ ⁕

she focused on the feel of movement of the wheels over the road, following the curves and greeting each slope in its smooth way. these car rides were her only meditation, a chance for the teen's thoughts to greet the horizon, salute the clouds and ready her feet for the day ahead.

mr. ichinose scans her face one last time for a change but nonetheless, her expression remained neutral.

his eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than she knew eyes could be. the professional man is gone and instead it is the eyes of one who loves deeply. if it were anyone else eleanor would drop her gaze, but with him she's drawn in closer. then he says the words she needed to hear, "we're ok, you and me. okay?" she just nods, taking in every moment for memory.

" i heard they have an amazing music room at ouran-- with an even better piano! if you do get the chance, oh do check it out!"

the fountain-side air was pungent with the fragrance of jasmine. this was no natural basin filled with melt water, but the luxury addition to a formal garden by an earl with both copious leisure time and money.

her soft lips stretched into a smile that didn't quite reach her dark eyes as she departed.

she always smiled with that fake smile of hers. she always thought that life would be easier that way. to be the quiet and kind type around others, be the golden girl everyone expected while in reality all she wanted to do was the opposite. but that would only make her life harder, which prevented her from doing so.

here goes nothing..

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