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that girl.. she's interesting

HE STARED INTO ELEANOR'S EYES, DETERMINED NOT TO LOOK AWAY FIRST. HE WAS CERTAIN THAT SHE WAS  DIFFERENT, BUT STILL HE WAS DETERMINED TO FIGURE HER OUT. he contorted his lips into a cold gawk. he could feel their reluctance to be molded falsely. when she finally averted her gazed his hard stare fell to his brother.

a small slip of paper on his desk.

stop being weird, you're scaring the new girl. - haruhi

he scoffed to himself, rolling his eyes as he scribbled a response.

hikaru stole glances in eleanor's direction. up until now, she had been scribbling away in a notebook-- her attention nowhere near focused on the teacher's lecture.

i'm intrigued by her mysteriousness. and besides, kaoru and i need a new toy :)

before the mischievous boy could spark conversation, the bell had rung-- ichinose having already packed up her belongings and exited. he just stared at her seat, open mouthed. his brain formulated no thoughts other than to register that he was shocked.

the pair busted into fits of laughter at his dumbfounded expression. their laughing was like ripples in a still pond after a stone has been thrown in. it radiated through the empty classroom, who had up until that moment been quite rowdy. they began to titter and soon the ripples of laughter became great waves of hilarity.

" alright, that's enough. it wasn't that funny."

the older twin stated, his patience slowly thinning.

it took a few moments, but haruhi and kaoru gained composure once again-- this time being taken to explain what they had found so hilarious.

" at this rate, the both of you won't be anywhere near having a new "toy", just give it up hikaru."

" haruhi does have a point.. i say just leave it as it is."

now it was his turn to laugh, although the two were confused as to what exactly he found humorous. his fist met the hard surface of the desk as he closed his mouth, then looked at his toes before glancing back up to catch haruhi and kaoru's eyes.

" tell you what-- since you both insist i don't have the skill to do so, i'll talk to her. better yet-- i'll get her to become a regular at the host club."

he tucked the abandoned notebook under his arm before waving goodbye to the two.

"i think i'll go now," was all he said before disappearing out of the class.

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