🧵 Ten: With You, I Dream Again

Start from the beginning

Alex's brows drew together as a more precise picture began to form. Not only were the club members raw, but they had no supporting staff or even guidance. Wow. Alex doubled down on her theory that Keya should run for class president. The girl could sell water to sailors and apparently, a dream to a very eager gullible sophomore.

She turned to Keya, ready to call it quits, but Keya's eyes turned round and pleading. "Outside," she whispered, stalking to the door.

Alex followed. "Keya—" she began, rubbing her temple as tension mounted.

"I know this isn't you expected," Keya said in a calm, rational voice. "But—"

Alex cut her off. "Is this some sort of YouTube prank and the Dolan twins are gonna run out with their camera?" Alexx would laugh her head off if she knew. Hell, she wanted to laugh her head off too, or cry, or maybe both.

"We need you. I need you."

What Keya needed was a reality check. "Do you even have enough people to pull off the play?"

Keya's spine went rigid. "We will."

Alex's eyebrows rose. "You will?" Her voice raised a pitch. "You will? You promised I could head the costume department, which clearly is just me. Do you have money for fabric? Accessories? Anything?"

Keya poked her cheek with her tongue, her tone turning defensive. "No, we don't. But this is what you're good at. You take cheap stuff and make it appear expensive. I mean, look at you." She gestured to Alex's dress which she'd re-imagined from a men's golfing shirt. "It's from the thrift store, right? Can't you do that with our costumes?"

Did she really think it was that easy? Buy a couple of clothes and poof! New outfits made! The blood in Alex's veins started to boil. "Not cool, Keya. Not cool at all. You should have told me from the start."

"Would you have agreed to join if I had?" Keya challenged.

Of course not. She would have run away like dogs were nipping at her heels.

"See?" Keya implored, her big brown eyes pleading. "I had no other choice. I had to lie."

The harsh truth of the situation hit Alex like a freight train. She stumbled over to the concrete planter and sat on it, hunched over with her hands braced on her legs. She'd built this club up in her head, seen it as a way to pave her future and now, it was gone in a flash.

"Why do all this?" she asked Keya, motioning to the club behind her. "Why not join Playhouse instead?"

Keya sighed. "The same reason you're not there."

"Wendy hired someone to replace you too, huh," she said dryly.

Keya gave her a small, sad smile and sat next to her. "I'm tired of not being appreciated. I'm tired of being seen as second best." Her statement was met with silence. She nudged Alex. "See? You're not even arguing. Everyone thinks Alexx is better than me."

It was true, but to be fair, Alexx had a better voice than Keya, which gave her a natural leg up. If it came to acting, well, it would be a toss-up. Both were good—Alexx better at drama, and Keya better at comedy.

"I built this club, so I'd have a place to be. Not Keya, Alexx Lorde's rival. Not Keya, the Indian girl. Just Keya. The actress."

The emotion in her voice rang with such conviction, such passion. It reminded Alex of her own passions, her own dreams. "I get that. I do."

She gave Alex a knowing look. "That's why I want you here with me. Helping to create something that isn't in Alexx Lorde's shadow."

"She's my best friend..."

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