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Warning : lemon. If you don't know what that is then stop reading
Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia, were walking in Magnolia. Natsu had his arm over Lucy, and Gray and Juvia were holding hands.

They were cracking jokes and messing around.

Juvia suddenly stopped in her tracks. Gray turned around to see her, their hands still locked together.

"Juvia?" Gray walked over to her. "Juvia, are you ok?" He let go of her hand and shook her shoulders a bit.

"Hi." A man said.

"Fake salamander? Oh, hey!" Gray heard Lucy say.

"Ugh, would you stop calling me that? My name is-" he stopped when he saw Juvia. They stared at each other.

"Bora.." Juvia said lightly. Gray followed her gaze to the man behind him. It was Bora, Natsu had fought him when him and Lucy had first met, but Bora and Juvia had a history.

It started raining.

Juvia shivered. Gray saw this and took off his jacket and put it over her, grabbing her attention.

"Juvia, who is this guy?" Gray asked, rubbing her shoulders to try and heat her up. "My ex-fiancé." Juvia said, looking back to Bora.

Gray's eyes widened as he looked towards the man in front of him.

"I see you still have that rain problem." Bora said with a sigh. Juvia felt tears sting the corners of her eyes.

"I-I don't." She said with a shaky voice. "Tch, then why did it all the sudden start raining? It's the middle of summer for god sakes!" Bora yelled.

Juvia felt a few tears escape from her eyes. "B-because y-you're here. This hasn't happened f-for years." Juvia stepped back, her lip quivering. Suddenly, she bolted away.

"Juvia!" Gray yelled. Lucy ran after her. Gray turned around to Bora, anger burning in his eyes, he was about to punch him when he felt a firm grip stop him.

"Calm down, bud." Natsu said. He had a hard face. Gray jerked away his hand and glared at Bora. He lifted him up by his collar.

"You made Juvia cry. If I ever see you again, so help me, I will tear you to bits." Gray dropped him to the floor and walked away, Natsu trailing behind.

Gray and Natsu turned the corner to see Lucy hugging Juvia while they sat on the wet ground. Lucy looked up to see Gray.

"Here you should talk to her." Lucy said, standing up and gesturing Gray to Juvia. Gray crouched down and embraced Juvia while she's cried into his chest

"Juvia, tell me what's wrong." Lucy gestured to Natsu for them to leave, he did as told and they left Gray and Juvia alone.

Gray tightened the coat around her. "I-I don't exactly know. I-I c-can't- I don't-" Gray interrupted her by kissing her. He pulled away.

"Juvia, calm down. Come on, let's go home." Gray picked up Juvia and she curled into his chest, sobbing.

Gray started walking, the rain had stopped once Juvia had calmed down and fallen asleep in his arms. He smiled down at her.

Gray got to his house and unlocked the door, careful not to wake up Juvia. He walked into his bedroom and set her down on the bed.

Gray began to walk away when he felt a light tug on his arm, he turned to Juvia, who had a sad look and a few tears running down her face.

"Stay. Please." She said. Gray crawled into bed next to her. He cradled her in his arms and she soon fell asleep.

Gray watched her, smoothing her hair with his hands. He yawned and decided he should try to sleep too. He kissed her head and fell asleep.

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