"Then giving all respect-"

"Say it properly Fahad. That you can't digest the respect. Am I right?" She divulged cutting me off.

"A hundred percent wrong. Go get yourself check in a nearby hospital. Actually we are going today out to the orphanage, right? So before that a hospital also comes by so why not drop you there?" She was glaring at me by the time I finished my sentence.

"Don't you think that you are talking too much, you need a duck tape?" She retorted.

"Don't you think that you are senseless, you need a brain?" She shouldn't have underestimated me.

"Don't you think that you are mannerless, you need to join some classes for that?"

"Don't you think that you have gone mad, you need to go to the asylum?" Huh!

"Don't you think that you are illiterate, you need to go to the school for that?"

"If I was illiterate then I wouldn't been a businessman today, Ma Sha Allah [Because of God's grace]." I spoke trying not to sound snobbish.

"So what? Your Dad must have been the C.E.O he would have passed the company on to you."

"Shut up! Don't talk as if you know everything. What my father did nothing concerns you. I know the struggles for making up my empire rather than you who was just brought up like a princess." I dictated sounding exasperated.

"First it is you who said don't judge and now it is again you who already pictured me as a spoiled princess. Bipolar fox!" She said and bend down to open the cupboard.

"Do not include animals Nada!" This girl angers me the most. I was not a person to loose his patience with in a second. But now I get angry on her even if she exists. All thanks to her and her only.

"I will compare and won't stop too." She said and stuck her tongue out and went near the bed with Alizah and Alizah's clothes in her hands.

"Your Dad is a very big bipolar, you know Aliz. So better beware from him, okay sweetie?" She talked to Alizah as if she (Alizah) was under and kissed her cheeks after changing her diaper. Dad?

"Take care of her. I am going to get some food for her. And don't eat her you monster." She taunted me.

"What do you mean by 'don't eat her'? I am not a monster. It's you who is one."

"Oh whatever everybody knows who is one." She rolled her eyes and went down.

I went near Alizah who smiled at me.

"Such. A. Cute. Angel. You. Are." I exclaimed kissing her cheeks, forehead, chin and her stomach.

She giggled when I kissed her cheeks.

"You like it when I kiss here." I kissed her cheeks again. All she did was laugh.

Her parents are really missing everything. Her parents bad luck not my Alizah's.

"Nada is such a witch you know? So inspite of getting beware from me. You should be beware from her, okay?" I explained, tickling her stomach and she laughed at it. Was that me talking? It's been such a long time hearing myself talk something so casual like that.

"Get aside. Get aside! Fahad quickly. I want to feed her and feeding her is a difficult challenge." Nada entered with a weaning bottle.

"Come Ali baby we have to go today to look for your real parents so we have to get ready!" She said tying a bib around Alizah's neck who stared at Nada with her emerald-colored eyes. Such a beauty! Uh, Alizah not Nada.

Together Anyhow | √ |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat