But what?

That was the main point.

I still remember Saba's Mehandi event and the boys' performance. The look on their faces was priceless, their voices were full of life and happiness was radiant from their eyes. At that moment something came to my mind and unintentionally I prayed for them and since then until now I have always wished for their success. Always thinking about the way to help them out. The path of obedience they have chosen is a blessed one, I know Allah will definitely reward them for it but leaving your passion for the profession seems really unfair to me.

Planning to quit something they all love to do, moving on with a regret at such a young age. What if their bottled up feelings forced them to escape reality and they ended up living a pitiful life.

I know I might be overthinking right now and none of this will happen. Yet I don't want them to have any regrets, there are no replays in life, they will be burdened by the responsibilities before they could realize leaving them no option to surrender themselves just like I did. I accepted all the responsibilities of the house and Baba's health, still, I was left empty-handed. No matter how hard I try I cannot go in the past and enjoy the moments I missed because I always had duties to be taken care of.

Once again I was drifted by the memories and by the time I came back I have already made my mind.

They will get what they deserve!

With this determination, I left my room and a few seconds later I was knocking on Zulqarnain room's door.

"I am awake. Come in." I heard his voice but I remain at my place.

I am not going to come in you idiot, you have to come out!

I knocked again and this time the door was opened, revealing my handsome friend wearing a blue tank top and khaki colour half pants.

"Hira?" His eyes went wide as soon as he saw me.

I gave him a forced smile trying to keep my eyes to his face.

Ya Allah! Why did he wear something like this knowing that there is a single woman living in his house?

"Is everything alright?" His worried tone brought back me to my senses.

"Ah yes, I need to talk about something."

"At this hour?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"No, not at all." He was taken aback for some reason and said after a pause, "You never even talked to me on call this late."

His answer surprised me a bit and I ended up asking, "What time it is?"

"One a.m."

"What?" My eyes went wide and he nodded in response.

"Sorry, I am so sorry. We will talk later. You can rest." I tuned in haste to leave but he abruptly held my arm.

"Wait, we can talk. I don't mind. Come inside" He left my hand and stepped aside creating space for me. But after receiving a blank look from me he apologized and said, "Let me grab my phone."

"Oh, you bought a new one."

"I had no other option right?"

I nodded, "I will be waiting outside."


"Yes, any problem?"

"Are you planning to throw a party for mosquitoes?"

Oh! My Darling TeacherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon