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??? POV:

Running, I am Running. Im running so fast threw some damn forest that I can barley feel my body anymore. I took myself miles and miles away from safe civilization. But still I ran, as if it was ever going to make me safe agian. As if it was ever going to make a difference if I ran. Whatever was chasing me, I knew not. Still, I ran. Human? Beast? Monster? Maybe I was running from myself.. God, my legs were becoming so tired. My breathe hitched at every fucking step. My speed increased at every sound the silent forest had made. The farther I ran the more misty and clouded my path became.

So I stopped.

To catch my breath.

My throat was in pain as I tried so desperately to grasp in the air around me. I looked down at my ripped up clothes and dirty hands shaking. As quickly as I looked down I popped my head up. Looking around the misty forest cautiously, I suddenly hear a branch break behind me. Making another break for it, my foot catches onto a tree's root.


I wake up in my bed.

Is it over?

My bedroom doesn't look like this.. This wasn't my room. I was in some unknown room. A dark twisted room. A dirty untidy room.

My body is shaking. And my breath still hitched as if I just ran a marathon.


A bright light hits my eyes. Instantly, I squinted at the new found light that rained down. Slowly, I was able to see around my surroundings as my eyes adjusted.
Looking around, I noticed that this room was not just any room, but it was a cemented room. Like a basement or cellar.
Ah, was I to die? Finally, after 18 years? To end like this? I felt that way as I looked down and around my sourroundings. For there was Blood on the floor. And brusies on my body. So many brusies.

Blood and brusies.


Even there on my hands, there was blood. Just dark red life liquid. Dripping off, my dirty hands. My dirty dirty hands.

"My Prince Charming?! Where are you..!? Im lost. My prince help me!!.. I can't live with out you." The voice of a small girl crys out echoing off the walls.

"HeLlO?" My voice cracks, "Who's there?" I began to get up off the bed my whole body aching as if its been hit and thrown around multiple times.

Suddenly calling out within the great void that is the room im in, a mighty roar of another small child calls out. This time a little boy.

"Im right here!...Don't forget your my princess, okay y/n?"


My ears start to ring loudly, I close my eyes.


I fall hard into my knees holding my red hands to my ears screaming out the pain. When would this stop?! When did this even begin? Where even am I?

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I!?" I screamed out and squeezing my eyes shut.

It stopped

The ringing.

It stopped.

And now, the silence fills the bloody cement void yet agian. Leaving me to let go of my ears and breath in deeply.


My eyes popped open to see a small girl in a flowery sundress looking up at me touching my arm. She didn't smile. No, She stared into my eyes blankly. The look of pity I guessed, the look of sadness. Just the sight of the small girl brought tears into my eyes. I looked at her, tears following into my beaten bruised face.

"You know where you are. This is your life remember. The life you choose over me. Don't you remember me? You promised you wouldn't forget? You promised me so many things, but you left me.."

She begins to cry and let go of my arm.

With a snap she stops crying and touches my cheek softly.

"You won't forget me right? You wouldn't forget your princess? Right, Chenle?"

And my world goes black.

I wake up from my bed panting and sweating profusely.
A nightmare. Another one. Its always dealing with some small girl calling out to me. Calling me her loving prince charming. Calling me her savior. I never once got her name. In fact even if she did give me her name Id never would have remembered it. But she was a girl from my past. I knew exactly who she was so there was no reason to remember what she had said.
She was y/n.
They looked so similar. It had to be her.
I remember everything. She liked to pretend we would get married. Not that I minded. I thought I'd complete that promise to her and all the other promises I had made.
But I was a fucking kid. Im no longer that little boy running around carelessly and freely. Im a 18 year old, with real issues. Complicated issues.

"Young Prince, The King is waiting for you to join him for breakfast. Please hurry along."

I hate my life. This is not the life just anyone can handle. Sometimes I'd wish I could go back. Go back to that girl. But it's much too late. Too late to be her prince anymore. Too late for apologizes and old broken promises.

My family wishes me to be their prince now. Their heir. A beloved son.
And so I shall be exactly that.

A modern Prince living in a corrupted world.

How will one think about this life Ive come to live?
"Your a psycho!! A monster! Your whole family belongs in jail!" Of course they'd say those things. I don't blame them. Its true.
So, How do I hide my true self away from those around me? Simple. I just have to smile.

Its not hard to fake happiness..

My Dilemma: Friends ~ Zhong Chenle FF✔Where stories live. Discover now