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You could practically hear Lisa for miles. She wore her high heels that were higher than my parents expectations. And she wore them proudly. Like a horse did she prance around, head held high, and shades slightly pulled down on her face. But I wore my dirty converse. I was normal. Feeling myself in a shirt, jeans, and well what little confidence I had to begin with.

What? Its just the mall. Not like Im going to run into my future husband anytime soon. Right?

"Im soo excited!! I get show you all the buzz on the latest shit!"
"I dont have the money for this I only brought the $100 I saved up since like 2000."
"Weren't you born in 2000?"
"Well don't worry, Todays on me."
She drags me into the big high multi story mall.
"And we are going home.." I say turning around.
"Pftt, get back here." Grabbing my wrist she leads me into multiple stores buying multiple things for me and herself.
"Im already tired"
"WHat! Oh no girl, we got so much after this. But we can eat first.. if you wish. "

After eating such a pricey meal that she insisted to buy, she turns to me smirking.
"Im going to take you to the most greatest place in history."
"Its Gucci isnt it?"
"I assume every rich person goes there.."
"You assumed correctly sweetie..lets go."

As hyped as she was about the 'Gucci' store it wasn't that big of a deal for me. Sure there were a couple pretty things in there but nothing that really caught my eye. "We have been in absolutely everything, is this the last store?"
"Oh no, we got more.." I whine as she dragged me out. Smiling brightly she points to a big jewelry store and runs to it leaving me in the middle of the walkway to weave through the people just so that I could catch up with her.
"Lisa! Wait up!"



"Ah Fuck!" I laid on the floor holding my head.


I down at my shirt to see a dark stain and looking up to see an empty cup dripping from the sides. Someone had bumped into me and spilt some kind of sweet liquid onto my shirt.
At that moment Immediately I look up into the eyes of the person who had bumped into me.

"CHENLE! I leave for one second and you've already fucked up." Jaemin says walking behind him looking at me.


"Well, damn. Its y/n. Im sorry Chenle is such a cluts." Jeno says pulling me up.
"Thanks Jeno. And no its okay."
"What happened-", Jisung's jaw dropped, "oh."
"Woahh..bro." Felix says Besides Jisung.

"Y/n! There you are! I thought you were following me." Lisa says walking up.
"I got caught up in the traffic of people. Sorry."
"Im sorry..I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I'll buy you another shirt." Chenle says.
"No, its okay."
"Its my fault, let me make it up."
Lisa smiles, "We have plenty of shirts to choose from, come on y/nBear. Lets fix you up." And like that Lisa takes me to the nearest restroom.

"We are back!" Lisa says with me following behind now with a clean fresh shirt she had just bought for me a couple stores ago.
"I still feel really bad.." Chenle says.
"Dont worry Chenle. Its okay really." I state smiling.

"Where were you two going anyway?" Jaemin says.
"Shopping around duh. I was just about to go into the Jewelry shop when yall found us." Lisa states.
"Thats like engagement ring kinda jewelry shop Lisa. Are you getting married?" Felix says which makes the others laugh.
"No! I just wanted to look and show y/n. Whatever, we are girls obviously you wouldn't understand."
"Well while you two go in there, I'll go and buy y/n an ice cream or something. I still fell bad."
"Cookies and cream flavored Ice cream does sound really good.." I say looking at the ground.
"Than I'll be back.." he says smiling brightly.
As the boys run off Lisa shouts at them.
"I want one too!! Oof, I hope they heard me. Come on lets go before they come back."

My Dilemma: Friends ~ Zhong Chenle FF✔Where stories live. Discover now