Chapter 5

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Chap 5

Piper's POV

"Piper! We need to talk!" A distinctive male voice called. I turned around wondering who was it. Percy. He looked frantic. Then he stopped. I walked towards him wondering why he was so frantic. He told me everything about Jason and Reyna. I thought "No wonder Reyna gets annoyed when I'm around Jason and Jason that cheating asshole how could he? I trusted him!" Before Percy could finish, my eyes were filled with tears from anger and sadness. I looked up at Percy "What am I going to do Percy? I love him!" I almost yelled. Looking at him, his eyes were filled with emotions, anger, sadness, anxiousness, hurt and ....annoyance? Why was he annoyed?

Percy's POV

Piper yelled at me after I told her about Jason and Reyna. Like what the hell Pipes? I save you from your heartbreak and you yell at me? Seriously! Immediately after she yelled, I walked away. I need to calm down. My few good friends were all... Grover was looking for new half-bloods, Piper just yelled at me, Jason is cheating on Piper with Reyna, Leo is on a quest to free Calypso, Thalia is a huntress she doesn't like boy company since the huntress are all here, Nico is resting, Frank is with Hazel who just woke up and Annabeth is acting weird around me. What am I gonna do? I just need to relax... A swim in the lake will do just fine! I immediately walk towards the lake not bothering to change to my swimming trunks and jump into the lake.

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