Chap 7

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That is Connor ^^

Connor's POV (He is the new demigod, Percy's new bro)

Grover and I hurried across the boundary line and I collapsed. A boy with green eyes and messy dark hair raced towards us helping me. He called for someone and a guy carrying some supplies rushed forward and tended to my wounds. Then, the demigods around me gasped. I looked up seeing the glowing trident. The boy that helped me looked at me in surprise. "Who are you?" I asked the boy. "Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon and now your half-brother." He replied smiling. "And you are?" He asked. "Connor Franta. I'm 15." I replied. "I'm 16." He smiled. Then, a horse/guy came over. "Son of Poseidon. I'm Chiron. A centaur. Half man half horse. Percy here will help you fit into camp." Then he nodded to Percy who had a ginormous smile on his face.

Percy's POV

Yeah! A brother! He had brown hair with greenish-blue eyes like me. He was fit and muscular like as if he has been working out. With all the bandages on his body, I guided him to the Poseidon table and introduced him to the Argo 2 crew and Nico. After dinner, we had a campfire. The Apollo kids led the songs and the campfire was really good. So good that the first row kids marshmallows got burnt. I told Connor about my life in Manhattan and my recent few quests with the rest of the seven and Nico leaving out Reyna cus I was still quite mad with Jason and her for cheating on Piper. I looked for my friends within the crowd and saw Annabeth with Piper, Jason with Reyna, Frank with Hazel, Nico by himself, Coach Hedge with his wife, Mellie and Grover with Juniper. Connor was looking around curiously taking in the surroundings of his new home. I reminded myself to bring him on a tour of the place tomorrow. "So Connor, how did you find out you were a demigod?" I asked. "Uh.... I don't want to talk about it yet. Maybe next time." He answered then went quiet. I kept quiet too. A few minutes later, the campfire ended and while everyone went back to their cabins, I stayed back thinking about the events of today. Then I stood up and walked to my cabin.

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