Interview W/ _Just_Nikki_

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1.) How did you find out about Wattpad…?

A friend told me about it.

2.) Can you relate to any of your stories…?

Not really the whole thing. I relate to parts of them.

3.) What are your hobbies…?

Reading, writing, drawing, and playing volleyball.

4.) Are you more of a reader or writer…?

I'd say it's pretty equal.

5.) What is your favorite story on Wattpad…?

The Bad Boy, The Sat Nav, and Me by Lilohorse.

6.) What inspired you to write this story…?

I wanted to write a book for my best friend, and I was listening to the song Taken one night. I just flipped it around.

7.) Did you ever thing your story would become this popular…?

I NEVER thought it would get this popular.

8.) Any messages for your fans…?

Just to keep reading, voting,  and commenting. And that I hope they'll check out my future works. I lvoe you guys!

9.) Do you plan to make a career as a writer…?

I'm not sure yet. I don't really think I could succeed as a writer.

10.) What story did you have the most fun writing and why…?

Taken. I love the responses it gets from my fans, and because the story is light hearted, but yet serious, and I sort of relate to it, but yet not really. And because it's for my best friend.

11.) Which one of your characters from one of your stories do you resemble the most…?

I resemble Nikki from Once in A Lifetime the most because she's actually me. Or maybe Adalyn from my story What Makes You Beautiful that I took down.

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