Chapter 9: An explanation and a blinding light

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3rd POV
The duo walked away from the Kaminari bakery and towards the ash blond's car. The red head began to hum a tune unconsciously, gaining attention from Bakugou. Once they got to the car, Bakugou, who unlocked the car, took his seat, and began to drive, remembered something that Kirishima previously said. "You gonna tell me then shitty hair?" He grumbled, pulling up in front of the red heads apartment complex. The other male hummed questioningly, confused as to what the blond was taking about. "Okay let me re-phrase that. Why'd you decide to snap at me then storm off in a piss?" Bakugou deadpanned, the words falling out of his mouth like a bad taste. Kirishima looked up at him with eyes wide and teeth worrying his bottom lip. "I- Uh-" he started before sighing, "Well. My mother isn't the most kind of people, and my father... He's- not around anymore, let's put it that way. I'm blamed constantly for what happened to him. And she won't let me forget how much of a disgrace I am and how much she hates me!" By the time he'd finished. His bright red eyes, which shone like the sun, turned cold, unforgiving. His hands shook, along with his entire body. He felt an icy tear fall down his porcelain cheek and raised a hand to wipe it away. The other male sat there, mouth opened slightly, throat dry and words taken away. He leaned closer to the red haired male and placed a comforting hand on his thigh, the position uncomfortable in the car they still remained in. "I... Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Bakugou states, leaning closer towards Kirishima. He nods, knowing the blond wouldn't do such a thing, especially to himself. Although this, he still couldn't help but feel saddened by the blond knowing. That was when a soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Do you mind if I ask one more question," the words being said seemed foreign coming from this person, too kind for the males usual explosive attitude.
"I guess."
"Why're you a disgrace?"
The red head froze. "I'm... Im kinda..."
"You don't have to say."
"But I want to!" Kirishima lied. He'd rather not tell the blond any of this but he couldn't leave him in the dark, always questioning what was wrong. "I'm gay."
Silence smothered the car making it hard for the red head to breathe. His heart began to beat out of his chest as his hands clutched his t-shirt, creasing it even more. His eyes began to water as he watched the blond absorb the new information. The silence became unbearable for Kirishima and this was clear when he opened the car door and got out, slamming it and walking into his apartment. Bakugou was quick to recover and swiftly chased the red head, catching up to him at the entrance of the complex. "What. Are you disgusted too? Did you want to punch me before I got away?" Kirishima questioned, anger was evident in his voice but pain was displayed clearly on his expressive face. Bakugou did something he never thought he would. He pulled the red head into a hug, holding him tightly. "Why would I even thing about doing that to you? Do you really think that little of me, shitty hair?" Kirishima shook his head no before bursting out into tears, his legs nearly gave away. If it weren't for Bakugou's death grip on the other, he would've been on the floor. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-"
"Shut up, toenail fucker!" The blond shouted trying to stop the sad male from apologising. "You have nothing to be sorry for." That left the red head thinking. Kirishima rapped his arms around Bakugou, pulling him closer to himself. His heart began to beat 100mph as he held the male in a strong embrace. He could feel his breath tickling his neck, his arms holding him in an extremely soft hold (which was unusual for the usually rude blond) and his reassuring words he muttered into the red heads ear those few moments earlier. "Um- Bakugou?" He questioned once the pesky tears finally stopped falling from his face. "Yeah, shitty hair?" The other replied. "Can you feel it too?"
"Feel what? What're you talking about, dumbass?"
"I just- never mind..."
"No, you fucker, what are you talking about?" The blond didn't get an answer. They stood there for a few moments, holding each other as if it was the last time they'd see one another. "I better go inside..." as the red head pulled away from the hug, he noticed the red which covered Bakugou's face. It coated his cheeks, nose and even the tips of his ears. That was when he felt himself get pulled down. He felt something soft against his lips and as he glanced down to see what it was, he saw the others lips against his own. The blond began to move, getting closer and closer to the red head. Kirishima responded, mirroring the others actions carefully. He felt a warmth prod at his lips and parted them ever-so-slightly. The red head felt the tongue slip into his mouth, fighting against his own for dominance. Kirishima fought against it, only just winning against the blond. He let out a grunt of success. Bakugou opened his eyes and widened them at the shocking sight he saw. Bright, blinding light encapsulated the two males, making the red head in front of him glow even more. The blond pulled away rapidly once he realised the meaning. He panicked and turned around, strutting away towards his car and leaving the red head stood in shock. Bakugou, once getting back to his home, only then realised that he was the only one out of the two to see it. He was glad about that and he would be damned if he told Kirishima anything about what he'd just witnessed between the two.

I finally updated! And I've officially finished my tests which I had to do for school. I survived, surprisingly. Besides that, thank you for reading, commenting and upvoting. Its really appreciated!


Blue? I never see blue... (A Bakushima/Kiribaku Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now