Chapter 2: We Could be it the same class

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Bakugou's POV

I got to school early so I went up to my classroom. That was a big mistake. Of course Pinky and Tape Arms are in my class, the school just HAD to annoy me like that. I feel a tingling feeling on my arm. I take of my blazer and look at my arm to se a message from my soulmate. I read the message, then I realise the colour of the writing. Purple, fear or anxiousness.

*bold is Bakugou and underlined is Kirishima*

How are you today?

I think back to the morning, the old hag rudely waking me up at 5am when I could be ready and at school by 8 if I woke up at 7.

Pretty shitty, my mum woke me up mega early for my first day. Told me I gotta be early so now I'm stuck in class with my stupidly loud classmates. How about you? Your day any better? I'm guessing your anxious.

It's okay, just worried for my first day, it's a fresh start and I don't wanna mess up, you know? And yeah, I'm pretty anxious but I think your day is better so far. I'm not even in school yet, I just have some free time before I leave.

First day? What if their going to Yuuei too... No probably not, that's extremely rare.

You'll probably be great. Your, like, the only person I know who isn't a complete idiot so I congratulate you on that.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Pinky, "What ya want now?" I question. "Awww your writing to your soulmate!" She coos. I scoff, "Yeah, and?" She grabs the chair from the desk in front of mine and turns it to face me. She sits down and continues, "What are they saying?" I feel another tingle on my arm and I look down to see another message.

Why thank you kind sir! Well I have to get going but I'll probably start doodling in class. If you have recommendations write them down! I'm gonna go, talk to you soon!

I look down at the messages and watch them fade away as my soulmate rubs them away. "Well they're not saying anything now." Mina looks confused for a second before she realises. "Oh, they had to leave?" She questions. I glare at her, "No they died and went to Pluto," I deadpan. "Okay calm down Blasty! Look, it's 8:05, other people will be coming now. Aren't you excited to see our new classmates?" I look to the doorway and back to her, "I'm excited for you to finally leave me alone." She sighs and puts the chair back as it should be. "Well I'll talk to you later. Try and be a decent human being to our classmates," She looks at me, I scoff and turn my head to the side. "You don't control me Pinky!" I say, raising my voice. That's when a few people enter the classroom, one catching my eye. He had red hair that was styled up in a unique style, he had beautiful red eyes and a bright smile that could rival the sun itself. I look at the person next to him, he had yellow hair with a dumb black streak in his fringe. There was a half-red-half-white-haired boy next to the broccoli haired disappointment, Deku. Of course Deku is in my fucking class. I groan out loud, gaining unwanted attention from everyone in the room. "Oh! Kacchan! I cant believe we're in the same class again this year!" I scoff and look at him, "Didn't want to be but I guess school hates me for putting me with you, Pinky and Tape Arms." He sighs and turns to this weird guy with half-red-half-white hair, "At least I tried." The weird guy look at me and glares. The fuckin' half 'n' half bastard. I look back down at my arm, tempted to write to my soulmate as they're the only bearable person but I decide against it as they said they had to go. I hear a chair move and someone sit down beside me. "Hey, my name's Eijirou Kirishima. Sorry for disturbing you but you weren't doing anything so I thought I should introduce myself!" I look over to the person to see the red-haired male that caught my eye earlier. "Kasuki Bakugou," I reply, keeping it short. He laughs, "Not in the mood to talk? Cause if I'm annoying you I can leave." I roll my eyes and look at my wrist, "Nah your fine. Just waiting for something." He follows my gaze, "Soulmate problems?" He questions, I just shrug. "So, I guess you're not much of a talker?" I scoff, "I am when the person talking to me isn't a complete imbecile." He fake winces, "Harsh bro! You hurt my fee-" the bell cuts him off, signalling the start of class.

Half way through class

I feel a tingling feeling on my palm. I look down to see a rose being drawn. My soulmate, in my eyes, is the perfect person. Their smart, but not too smart, they can draw really well and they are nice to talk to. Although these mushy, stupid thoughts would never leave my mouth. I'm not a fuckin' sap. I decide to get my soulmate pen out and comment on the drawing.

Have I ever told you that your drawings are really good?

They finish off the flower and respond.

Drawing is just a small hobby of mine, I'm not really good at it but I enjoy it either way. These are just doodles anyways.

I roll my eyes. 'Not really good,' I couldn't draw that if I tried.

Seriously, they're really good. My doodles are usually stick-men or random lines.

"...And that's Pythagoras theory. We have 5 minutes left of the lesson, you can choose to sit in silence or read. If you have any questions about the lesson, I'm at my desk." I look back down at my arm and see a small night sky being doodled.

Class is so boring, who knew the first day would be actual learning? The shitty school even put me in the same class as this annoying ass kid.

The doodle is paused and they write a response.

So your teacher is actually teaching you things too? I thought it was only my class. Plus, that guy might not be as bad as you think, maybe get to know him?

I roll my eyes, even though they can't see me do so, and write out the response.

He's annoying. Nothing less. Maybe a lot more. He's bad at everything and has this weird broccoli lookin' hair. Class is shit as well cause he won't shut up with his loud ass mumbling. I swear he does it purposely to annoy the shit out of me.

I then look down and see something shocking.

We could be in the same class.


Chapter 2 is done! Oof, I really need to improve my writing cause I suck xD Anyways, thanks for reading!


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