Chapter 4: Unfortunate Occurance

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Bakugou's POV

I walk out of the school and see the 2 idiots and that other guy. Kirishima, right? I groan but walk over there anyways. "Hey, lovebirds! Get a room, I don't want to see you eye-fucking anymore!" I shout. I look towards the trio and scoff. "Oh hi Bakugou!" The red-head pipes up, I look at him to see him smiling at me. "Oh come on Bakugou, Sero here is just my bro!" Sero nods in agreement. I hear a scoff come from the red head. "Yeah, 'just friends' have fun with that," To that, I involuntarily chuckle. When I do, Kirishima smiles more. I feel my cheeks getting hot and I turn away. Why am I heating up? Am I sick? "Not you too Kiri!" I turn my attention to Pikachu. "Well if you weren't hanging on each other like touch-starved children, I wouldn't be saying this!" Dunce face groans and Plain face chuckles lightly. "Well I'm gonna go, I'll see you all tomorrow!" I watch the guy with extremely red hair walk away. My yes linger for too long, "Something caught your eye Explodie?" The stupid Dunce face teases. I roll my eyes and turn to him, "What're you trying to say asshole?" I growl lowly. "I- uh- I mean you were looking at him! That's all!" He blurts out. "That doesn't mean shit," I deadpan. "Okay I'm sorry, I just thought that- No never mind." I look away from him and proceed to walk home, tuning out my thoughts.

Kirishima's POV

I look down, picking at the fresh scabs on my wrists. Every cut reminds me of the words said. The lies told. I wince not knowing if the pain was from the memory's or the cuts themselves. I ignore it and carry on, regardless. I get to my apartment block and open the main door. The receptionist looks over and smiles, "Hi Kirishima! How's your day been?" I look over and plaster on another fake smile. "It was great! I made new friends and the work was interesting!" I internally roll my eyes. Liar. Her smile falters slightly and she looks me in the eye. "If you need anything, I'm here okay?" I drop my facade and nod. "Thank you Uketsuki." (I literally just named the receptionist 'receptionist' but it was google translate so probably isn't the best translation) I walk into the elevator and press the 3rd floor button. I feel something wet on my wrist and I groan. Of course I couldn't leave my wrists alone. The elevator pings and the doors slide open. I step out and walk towards my door, pulling my keys out of my pocket. I put the keys into the lock and twist, opening the door and in the process I catch my cuts on my sleeve and wince in pain. I walk into the small room, slam the door closed and walk into the bathroom. I rummage through the cabinets, trying to find the bandages I was sure I had. Reaching for the bandage I glance at my arm expectantly. What should I say?

Bakugou's POV

Once I get home I head straight into my room. I place my bag by my door and change into something more comfortable. I sit in my bed and begin to alternate between different social medias. I feel a tingling sensation on my arm and I immediately check it. I look down and see something that made me gasp, and believe you me, I never gasp. What the fucks going on?

I cant do this anymore.

What do you mean? Are you okay?

I sigh as a wait impatiently for a reply.

I just can't. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry we've never met. I think that's for the best.

What do they mean? What's happening?

In class the next day

"It's going to be fine, HE'S going to be fine." I hear a voice coax from inside the classroom. I open the door and see the Pikachu reject crying. "Why're you crying you dickhead?" He lifts his head up, groans, and flops back down. "Kirishima's in the hospital." He replys, sniffling and wiping his nose. My eyes widen and my face pales. What? "Why what happened, you better tell me you extra!" I grab his tie and pull him closer to me. "Leave him alone, Kacchan," Shitty Deku chirps. Rolling my eyes, I lower my voice so only he can hear, "If you've done anything, you'll be in big trouble." He pushes me away and sighs, "Why do you care so much? It's not like you were friends with him or anything. Plus, it wasn't me, he... He did it to himself. Luckily Mina went over cause he had her books in his bag. I don't want to think about what would've happened if she didn't go over..." He looks down, he begins sobbing and Plain face begins to comfort him, a little too close of you ask me. "What he was TRYING to say is that Kirishima... Tried to kill himself last night." My eyes widen. Wait, why do I even care? What's wrong with me? "Where is he?" I ask, going against my thoughts and grabbing my bag. "Bakugou please don't scare him, he just tried to... take his life. He doesn't need your shouting." Dunce face pleads. I roll my eyes and ask again, sneering this time, " I'm not messing around you dumb-fuck. Where. Is. He." He pales but finally answers, "The hospital just down the road." He lowers his head and sits back down. Deku runs to his side and comforts him, helping Plain face. Stupid. I walk out of the school building without a word.

At the hospital

I climb out of my car and walk up to the front desk. "Can I see someone," I ask rudely. "Name please?" She replies in a monotone voice. "Kirishima." She nods, "Room 342, be careful, he hasn't fully healed and he might not be ready for visitors so if he asks you to leave, please leave the room." I ignore her and rush up to the door. That's when I realise what I'm doing. "What and who the fuck is he?" I mumble under my breath. Ever since I met him, I've been drawn to him. What. The. Fuck. I put my hand on the handle and open the door slowly. I peer in and see Kirishima sat on his bed, staring at his wrist. He must be waiting for his soulmate to write. "Can I come in?" I ask. His gaze falls onto me and he seems to smile slightly. "Bakugou, right?" I nod. "Bakugou Kasuki. I'm not usually this friendly so don't get too fuckin' used to it." He chuckles, "Kirishima Eijirou, It's a pleasure to meet you."

Yo I'm back! So I'm trying to progress the story so it's not boring but I also feel as if I'm rushing it. Idk. It's really late at night and I'm just ready to sleep but I told myself I'd finish a chapter before I went asleep. So now I have to put my rabbit away then try and sleep. I, luckily, don't have school tomorrow so that's why I'm uploading now! Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it :)


Blue? I never see blue... (A Bakushima/Kiribaku Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now