Chapter 2: Research

Start from the beginning

Tch. If only she knew what really happened. It wasn't some coincidental accident. That stone is pure evil.

"Anyway, all that aside. Follow me, I'll show you to that section you were asking me for." She clapped her hands together and awaited his approval. He nodded.
"Yeah, sure. That would be great."

She bowed and lead him back through the library to the back left corner. He followed quietly behind her until they arrived to the books. The whole way over there, she was going on about all kinds of nonsense. Things like safety hazards, political problems, and other Miscellaneous crap. He just tuned her out.
"Okay, here you are. It's this row right here and the back as well. Between you and me, I don't know why we still keep this hooblah around. I think it's a waste of everyone's time. It just sits here collecting dust and cobwebs. No one ever checks this stuff out."

"Really? You don't say." He hummed. The clerk shrugged and began to walk away when she saw another patron requesting her assistance.
"Yes. But I hope you find what you are looking for!"
After she left, he got right to work to find some books that might help him. He didn't have to search too long before he found an old book that caught his eye. "Hm? What's this?" He crouched down to the floor to survey the books on the shelf second from the bottom. It was a dark brown in color leather book with a red velvety spine. He traced his fingers along the fragile spine that could fall apart if handled incorrectly. He read the title of the book out loud:

"Spiritual Relics, and old Arcane of the Underworld."

He pulled it off the shelf to look at it a bit closer. It was old, that much he could tell. But it really wasn't in that bad of condition.
"Seems odd but, maybe I can find something in it." He grabbed it up and looked through the rest of the books on the shelf. He found a few others that interested him so he took those over to a round table and sat down, setting the small stack of books on top of the table.
"Time to start researching." He stretched his arms up, rolling out his wrists and working out the kinks in his fingers. Then he opened up the first book and started reading.

This reminds me of the day that I started coming to this library. Well, any library really. When I first started my apprenticeship to become a journalist, I had to do so much homework and research. I thought I was going to die by being here for nine hours a day.

A small, sad smile appeared on his face. "I still remember the time when I came here with Changbin that first day."

(Two years ago)

"Geez, do we really have to sit here for this long? Why are you doing all that shit for, anyway?" Changbin scoffed while drumming his fingers on the table

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"Geez, do we really have to sit here for this long? Why are you doing all that shit for, anyway?" Changbin scoffed while drumming his fingers on the table. He was bored and had been complaining to me for the last hour and a half. He had his chiseled chin resting into the palm of his hand and was looking around the room. I couldn't help but laugh at his pouty nature.

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