Chapter Ten

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I looked at my bedroom mirror with a cocked head. I held an outfit to my half naked body and thought. The scent of the clothes drifted into my nose and made me feel queasy. The pant's cheap material kept scratching against my legs, I could tell it would give a rash. However, it was only for a day and I could live with it.

I changed into a potential outfit. I frowned at myself. "This doesn't look right." I muttered disapprovingly.

"It looks fine," she said not even looking up from her book.

I looked at Raven and shook my head. "It looks like I'm wearing a costume in a play."

This earned me a laugh from her and she placed the book on the bed. Her hazel eyes hit the sun and gleamed as she walked up to me.I love it when they did that. "It might be the shirt." she stared at it intensely. She walked over to the pile of clothes and started going through it.

I admired her as she bent over searching. Raven was a maid in the castle, she used to be one of Elise's ladies-in-waiting before she disappeared. She was basically alone in this world, an orphan with siblings she doesn't talk to. She was so different from every person I've met and I loved it. Raven had a raw element about her, she was blunt and never afraid to speak her mind, a truly brave soul in a place like the Capital. 

I met her almost half a year ago and as much as I'd like to be more than just friends, I thought it would be unfair considering we could never get married. None of the nobles cared that Braxton was marrying a peasant, they were just happy that he was getting married. it will never be the same with Brent or I. The alliances Braxton failed to make with his marriage would fall to us.

She held up a shirt and placed it against my chest. "How about this?"

"Are you sure I won't look strange?"

Raven gave him a curt nod. "Trust me, Brenden. I'm a real life peasant."

I chuckled but I felt uncomfortable at the joke. I would like to think I'm not snobby, but I never thought I would be this close to a commoner. 

After I changed, I clapped my hands together. "Okay, I have to leave but you're welcome to stay in my room if you want to sleep or something." I told her.

As Raven shook her head, her dark hair danced. "Thanks, but I have to go to work. All of the lady-in-waiting's are still being punished for Elise."

I frowned but didn't comment. I walked toward the door but her hand quickly grabbed for me before I could leave. "Wait, one last check. I don't want you getting murdered because we forgot a piece of jewelry." I stood still as she investigated. Although this whole thing was my idea, I couldn't help feel a tad nervous. I've barely been out into the towns, especially not in recent years.

"You're good." Raven said after a while. "Just don't stand so straight."

I slouched slightly. "Better?" I asked her. She responded with a nod. "Be careful, I'll be mad if you get killed." she grumbled. She ruffled my dark hair with complete concentration. I stared at her and didn't respond.

She paused and looked at my face. "Promise?" she asked me. My gaze glanced down at her lips momentarily. I so badly wanted to grab her face, but I wasn't so harsh and impolite. So instead I hugged her tightly and spoke softly in her ear. "I'll try."


Me and my men walked through the Capital. The knights were dressed like commoners, like me, but they still had their weapons. I told them to walk farther behind me so it didn't look too suspicious.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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