Child!Goku Black x Reader x Zamasu

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A little Halloween special (even though its not fall yet I just thought of this in my head, just imagine little Goku Black dressing up for Halloween ^^)

(Y/N)'s POV

I was sleeping soundly in my bed, snuggled in the warm blankets. I was having a romantic dream about me and Zamasu, walking along the beach hand in hand, giggling and smiling to one another. And just when we were leaning in for a kiss, I was woken up by my child.

"Mommy, mommy wake up!" I looked and saw Black on my chest shaking me, when he saw my eyes were opened he smiled and crawled to my side and snuggled close to me

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"Mommy, mommy wake up!" I looked and saw Black on my chest shaking me, when he saw my eyes were opened he smiled and crawled to my side and snuggled close to me. I sat up and picked him up in my arms.

"Well good morning to you too sweetie." I giggled and kissed his cheek, he tried to pull away but I held him tight to my chest. I looked down at him and smiled, he was the light of my life ever since I found him alone and cold on the streets, I just couldn't leave him out there so I decided to bring him into my house and care for him, and after that day he's been like my son.

"Do you any breakfast sweetie?" Black nodded then got of the bed and ran towards the kitchen. I shook my head laughing, getting out of the bed and walking towards the kitchen to feed my baby boy. When I got to the kitchen I found Black sitting at the table, waiting patiently. Going to the fridge I got out eggs and milk.

"Do you want pancakes and eggs for breakfast?"

"Can we have chocolate chip pancakes mommy?" I nodded then went to the cabinet to get out the pancake mix and chocolate chips. While I was cooking I heard a knock at the front door,

"Sweetie can you get that for mommy?" Black nodded then got up to answer the door. I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen and turned to see my crush....Zamasu.

"O-oh hi Zamasu."

"Good morning (Y/N), something smells good." He sat down at the table with Black sitting his chair.

"Mommy is making chocolate pancakes!!" Black yelled excitedly, standing up on the chair.

"Black honey please sit down I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself." Black sat back down and looked over at the calendar.

"Mommy guess what day it is."

"What day is it honey?"

"HALLOWEEN!!!" I looked over at the calendar and sure enough it was October 31st. I have completely forgot about it, well I wasn't really good with dates either but anyway, walking to Black I kneeled down in front of him.

"Honey do you want to go Trick or Treating tonight?" Black nodded jumping in his seat.

"Yes mommy!"

"Ok sweetie after breakfast we will go to the store and pick out a costume for you."

"Yay!! I love you mommy!" he hugged me tight around my neck I smiled and held him back kissing the top of his head.

Zamasu x reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now