Chapter ~ 006

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   The sound of stomping feet fill the room, one silhouette can be made out from the dark abyss. Suddenly, the feet stop. The music keeps going. A small thud can be heard, more footsteps are thumping outside the room, the door nob turns, gasps are heard, more footsteps come, and the hospital is called.

People start panicking, then wondering, what happened? Is he going to be okay? And last of all, why? Why did this have to happen? Why did he push his limits? Wasn't he perfect? He didn't need to practice so much. So, why? Millions of questions were running through their heads, but they weren't going to be answered.

The medics arrive, they rush over to the small male in the center of the room, they proceed to pick him up and put him on top of the stretcher.

Crying can be heard from the small practice room.

Then a small voice whispered, "Hyung, you promised me that you were gonna take a break.."


Jungkook and Jimin were practicing while waiting for the other members to get there, they took a awfully long time and Jungkook was starting to get slightly impatient.

Jimin looked over and noticed the younger longingly staring at the door, he giggled slightly and said,

" Why don't you go see what's taking them so long."

"Okay Hyung." Jungkook said as he snapped out of his trance.

"Promise me you'll take a break?"

"Sure" Jimin replied although he knew that he was going to keep going.

Jungkook smiled and walked out the door.



All of a sudden J-Hope looks up from the ground and says,

  "Maybe if you weren't so impatient all the time then Jimin wouldn't of overworked himself!" And then J-Hope marched out of the room while slamming the door behind him.

  The sound of the echoing door is the only thing heard in the suffocating silence of the practice room.

   Jungkook stares into the abyss while the other members try to hurry up and leave to go see Jimin. And then, once again Jungkook is left by himself, in a dark space, with nobody to comfort him, the feeling of being trapped by your own self.

The feeling of suffocation like you're in a pitch black hole, just waiting, and waiting, but, what are you waiting for? Nobody will find you. Why? Because you're already too far deep. Too deep inside of the depths of nothingness.

     Jungkook falls down to the ground as he thinks about what he should've done for his Hyung. It was all his fault. His feelings had gotten in the way. His feelings are stupid. His feelings shouldn't matter. He shouldn't matter. Jungkook had made up his mind, he was going to be perfect, just for his hyungs, just so that this, wouldn't happen again. It won't ever happen again.

    Jungkook slowly gets up from the practice room floor and makes tiny steps to go get his stuff. He bends down and heaves his backpack over his shoulder with the tiny bit of strength that he had left. Jungkook quietly walks out the door while remembering to lock it before actually leaving.

J - H O P E ' S    P O V

   Why couldn't Jungkook be a little bit more mature, when did he get so stupid? Everything running through J-Hopes mind was chaotic, all that he could think about was what Jungkook did wrong, but, he didn't think- wait no, he didn't want to think that it was partly his and the rest of Bangtan's fault as well, they all knew that Jungkook get impatient easily and so they came late on purpose. Just to try and annoy the Maknae.

As J-Hope arrives at the hospital he suddenly sees a crowd of news reporters running up towards him, he bolts up from where he is and as he manages to open the door he is roughly pulled back, falling towards the ground and many microphones are pushed onto his face. All he can see is a blur and a liquid falling at the back of his head.

He can feel all of the hands that were grabbing slowly letting go and the shouting of, wait, who is that?

W h o ?

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating lately. The reason that I haven't been updating is because I had lost the password to this acc and didn't have the time to go find it. So oops.

Updates might be more frequent but, it all depends on how busy my day is. So sorry once again if I dont update for a long while. :/


GREY (J.Jk X BTS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن