Chapter ~ 002

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Jungkook felt alone, he wanted to have a roommate. He didn't like to be by himself because he feels lonely a feeling he has felt way too often. Jin started noticing weird things about Jungkook. He noticed that Jungkook was being alot more distant and serious that usual, Jin let it off the hook thinking that it was just a phase, the thing is that Jungkook wanted somebody to notice, somebody to care enough to see what hes going through. So far nobody has. Jungkook just wants to feel happy again, he doesn't know why all of a sudden he feels sad and depressed.

"Everybody dinner is ready!" Jin yelled from the dining room. Everybody except Jungkook quickly rushed down the hallway and started to take a seat. Namjoon noticed that Jungkook wasn't at the table, so he asked Jin, "Hyung do you know where Jungkook is?" Everybody started to look around the dining room.

Jin responded with "No, last time I saw him he was choosing his room."

"Does anybody know which room he chose?" Jimin asked

"Uh, I think he chose the last room on the right." Taehyung answered, as soon as he said that Jin ran down the hallway and knocked on Jungkooks door. Nobody answered. Jin was confused, Jungkook was always the first person to be at the dinner table. What changed?

Jin realized that the door was unlocked so he walked straight in. All he saw were boxes, and a note on the desk. It read :

Hyungs, I went out for awhile, I'll be back around 9 or so.
~Jungkook :)

Jin was very worried, Jungkook had never done this before. What was happening to their beloved maknae? Namjoon walked in to see what was taking Jin so long.

"Jin-Hyung whats taking so long?"

"Oh its nothing, Jungkook just went out for a bit." Jin answered pretending that he wasn't worried or anything.

"Oh okay, come on let's go." Namjoon said after he snuck a quick peck from Jins lips. (A/N ~ NAMJIN IS A GO!) Jin couldn't help but smile at the youngers cuteness. He quickly followed Namjoon, and told the rest about Jungkooks absence.

Jungkooks POV

I hope I won't get in big trouble with Jin-Hyung. I just needed a quick visit to the doctors, but I didn't want anybody knowing. Its pretty cold and windy out here, I hope this appointment goes by quick so I can get home earlier than planned.

The doctor said that the depression test took about an hour or so. Yes, I wanted to see if I had depression or anything of the sorts.

Ah! Is this the hospital? Oh yes it is!

"Hello! How many I help you?" Asked a very preppy receptionist.

"Oh I scheduled an appointment for Justin Seagull?" I couldn't help but just smile at the fake name I chose. I saw that Armys were using it as a meme, so I kinda just picked it up from them.

"Oh! Okay, you need to go up to the forth floor, and room 244." The receptionist while smiling brightly. I don't know how she can even do that, how can she smile working in a hospital? A place where people die because doctors can't save them?

I just don't understand. I got on to the elevator and pressed number 4. The elevator dinged as I reached my destination. I walked around a little to try and find room 244. It took me around three or two minutes to find it though. As soon as I walked in the doctor handed me a bunch of papers and told me to answer the questions.

• Do you wish you could die?

• Is it hard to get out of bed?

• Do you have hopes and dreams for life?

• Do you have a passion for something?

• Do you doubt yourself?

• Do you physically or mentally abuse yourself in anyway?

• Do you love yourself?

What are these questions? I tried to quickly answer them all, and get it done with. The doctor came in as soon as I was done so I handed hin the papers and then he left again. He came back after a few minutes and said,

"Okay so Jungkook, I have your results! Apparently you-"

Sorry if this chapter seemed a little rushed. I tried to get one out as fast as I could. Hope you enjoyed that cliffhanger!


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