Chapter ~ 001

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"Yah! Jungkook-Oppa!"


"Wah! BTS!"

"Omg! I'm gonna faint!"

The poor twenty year old boy couldn't fathom why Army is still calling him oppa even though he had asked politely for them not to. He let it off the hook many times before, but at this point he felt like he was going to explode with anger, Jungkook quickly tried to calm down by closing his eyes and counting to twenty.

As for the rest of the Bangtan they were quickly moving through the crowd into the building, but a little too fast for Jungkook. They didn't mean to, they all thought that Jungkook was moving with them until they had reached the reception area they noticed that the fans were all gathered up in one spot and then when the Manager went to tell Jungkook sonething he realized that Jungkook was inside that gigantic pile, literally a bunch of armys were climbing on top of each other trying to get to Jungkook.

Their manager quickly rushed into action and demanded all of the body guards to go inside there and get Jungkook out but, it was a lot harder than they thought. Ten minutes later Jungkook managed to crawl out of there and magically managed to keep his pants on, but maybe not for his shirt,shoes,mask, and sunglasses, his six pack was on full display for anybody to see. At that moment he knew....He fucked up. "Jeon Jungkook! Get in here" yelled the steaming manager.

Jungkook quickly jumped up and ran inside the building, once he got in the was asked by many staffs if he was okay and such. But the manager wasn't as kind as the staff, the manager lectured Jungkook about the dangers of rabid fans/sasaengs and that lecture eventually turned into full on yelling into Jungkooks ear.

"Okay Manager-Nim I'll be more careful next time! Don't worry." Jungkook quickly said when the manager was taking a breath almost about to go off again.

"Fine, but if it happens again I swear! And Jisoo go get him a new shirt!" The manager ordered one of the stylist. The stylist quickly grabbed a shirt from the backpack hanging on her back. The shirt was a very exotic looking t-shirt, it was definitely not Jungkooks type of clothing. The fans outside watched it all happen, some of them were angry at the manager for scolding the maknae, most of them were too busy drooling over Jungkooks six pack, but none of them had managed to see the scars on his body.

After they started moving again Jin quickly rushed over to Jungkook and asked "Hey Jungkook, are you okay?" Jin couldn't help but just feel bad for what jungkook had went through. Him himself probably would've cried or maybe even worse.

"Yeah, thanks for asking Hyung." Jungkook said adding his adorable bunny teeth smile in. Jin also could help but smile too. I mean smiles are contagious after all. The manager couldn't also smile the cute little exchange that they had.

"Okay boys here we are! This is your new dorm!" The manager said excitedly for the penthouse that they managed to get at a low price. He gave Namjoon the keys and then left with some of the bodyguards.

"Okay everybody! Manager-nim said that we all get our own rooms!" A round of hoots and applauses came from the BTS members.

Sorry this is a pretty short chapter.
~ Annie💜

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