Free it up

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Hello people!  

A quick stop by to post this super short chapter/story..well actually more like a glimpse of a story. Nevertheless, let me know how you liked it and what you though about it. Don't be afraid to comment ;) Xoxo. 



- I miss you

- I... she was left dumbfounded.

I don't know what to say J.

- Why?

- Whyy?? Because ! 

Because ... I have the feeling nothing I'd say would be right. Everything seems wrong! I can't say "I miss you too"... cause it's not... I wouldn't wanna lead you on, lie to you or say something that could be mistaken for something else..

- Breathe!

In the heat of the moment, she obeyed, surprising herself.

- What is really the matter here? What's with all the wondering? You don't have to please anyone or be afraid to deceive anybody. Stop asking yourself all of those useless questions running in your mind.

Are you afraid that you're going to hurt my feelings? I am a grown man, I can handle myself. Or are you afraid other people might be upset? That should not be your concern either. They can cater for themselves. We can all cater for ourselves.

What is it that you really want to say? Feel free to speak your mind, Liv.

- I ...she took another deep breath to clear out her mind.

I miss you. I miss you too. I more so miss what we had and our bond. But that's it. I miss our connection but I don't wanna go back to it; I wouldn't wanna regain it. I miss just talking to you. But that's all there is to it. We can't... we can't reopen anything. Because we know how they would evolve and escalate and I don't want that.

I've made my decision last time and I don't intend to break it; I am standing my ground.

It wouldn't be fair.

He knew what she meant.

- I wish things were different.

But I get you! And I respect your decisions and will.

- Thanks, J.

- Of course. Now could I have a hug or that would be too much to ask for?

- (with a small laugh) A hug could do.


- Thanks for speaking your mind, he said in her hair.

- Thanks for pushing me, she lightly smiled in his chest. 

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