Being together...

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Couples are such an inconsistent unsure thing..

Cause here's what: you see two people, maybe they're hand in hand, maybe one has their arm on the shoulders of the other, maybe one is holding themselves on the arm of the other person, maybe the two are only rather close to each other. Maybe one is caressing the other in a very evocative or tender way or touching them in a rather special place for them to be solely simple friends or the way they're touching them might be very sweet and the way they look at them very tender.

Maybe they even go up to kissing each other...

So you assume things.

But, actually, you never know and you most probably will never matter they are or become your friends or not.

It's not because two people are together at a X moment that they are meant to be together, they should be together, maybe even want to be together.

They could be together for a lot of reasons..

 They could be together just because they would feel too lonely alone, so they are together to have some company. They could be together because it's easier than to be apart. They could be together to cheat on time and be occupied or convince themselves they are when actually they're just wasting time.

They could be together because they have some sort of affection for each other but for sure not till the point of being a couple.

They could be together by default because they haven't found better or to escape a more unpleasant situation. They could be together to make other people happy and/or prevent questions.

They could be together because they were tired of saying no, because they had a moment of weakness, because they mistook affection or friendship for love.

As a matter of fact, they could also not be together at all! They could not be an actual couple.


Being together doesn't mean you're actually together, you can only be physically together, you can just be friends, you can just keep company to each other.

Being together is a lot more than just to be together.

Being together is being in harmony with your partner, be in symbiosis with them, be happy with them and most of all fulfilled with their company and them being in your life. You should somehow feel complete, not wanting someone else or wanting to go away. You should be satisfied with what you've got.

Being together is making and living experiences with your partner, to rely on them a 100% , to know that they always have your back no matter what, to know that they're there for you!

Being with someone is to laugh with that someone, cry with them, smile with them and to them, most importantly is to communicate with them.

Ultimately, being with someone is sharing things together, talk about stuff, work things out, being involved in the relationship and dedicated to it because you both want it to work for the best, you both really want to be in it a 100%, you both care about it.

Being together, as the phrase states, has to be a work done together, be built together, your efforts have to be joined, and be equal.. one cannot do more than the other or at least it doesn't have to be a constant thing. Yes, there might be times when one might have to put in more effort to compensate the other's lack because they have a momentaneous fall down; we're all humans, shit happens. As so, we tend to be egoistical, therefore at times we push our significant other away, keep them away from us, sometimes we are ourselves lost so we don't really have space for another person in those chaotic moments. The other has to provide more love, enough for the two of us, to save the relationship and keep it safe for when we are ready again. All this has to be a sporadic thing though, it cannot become the norm, otherwise you're going towards a dead end, you are on a slippery slope and you're both going to fall sooner or later.

It's not worth it even, because one is therefore always miserable and not completely satisfied, that's not the point of being together.


 Being together goes through love, it's about love, it's about loving each other and expressing in the right way that love to each other and working towards making that love grow more and more and stronger and stronger.

Being together is to love each other, share the love, grow the love and be happy with each other.

..Not all who you see together are actually together..

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