六 {06}

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The sun was already setting on the horizon. Reina was in her room and had just finished changing out of her soccer uniform and into some casual clothes.

{That's her in the pic. I literally and utterly SUCK at describing clothes. So please bear with me for the moment.}

She was alone since most of the people in the camp were males and the rooms for the female managers were already occupied.

Her mental clock told her that it was a quarter to 5:00. And she didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to herself. So, she took her walking stick, opened the window and jumped out.

All the rooms were on the first floor, luckily for her. The only obstacle left was the forest right in front of her.

She can't walk out the front since it would risk someone finding her out. Reina took a deep breath before going on a full out sprint.

Well, not exactly. The heels on her combat boots were a pain but she managed to run through the forest, ducking branches, dodging bushes, hopping over logs, and avoiding some mud puddles from time to time.

After a while, she could finally see the end of the dreaded forest. Reina skidded to a stop once she stepped out of the forest and found herself on the main road.

She's got ten minutes left until five and the bridge was still a mile away, and she won't be able to run at full speed since she's wearing heeled combat boots. Reina sighed in disdain. Why did I tell him to meet up with me again? Oh, right. Orion...

Reina slapped her cheek with her free hand since her other was gripping her cane, before huffing in determination and subtle annoyance. "He's lucky that I'd willingly go through all this just to meet up with him..."

With that said, Reina brisk walked to the direction of the bridge.


Baek stepped out of his hotel room, fully changed out of his uniform and into more comfortable clothes.

The redhead glanced across the hallway to the door of Seok's room.

Almost reluctantly, he stepped towards his childhood friend and team captain's hotel room.

What he did to Seok earlier in the game against Japan got him thinking, and the longer he pondered over the thought of hurting his older brother figure made him feel more guilty.

Baek glanced at his covered shoulder where his Seal was placed before sighing and facing the wooden oak door.

He knocked a couple of times before entering. "Seok-hyung? Are you awake?" Baek asked silently, just in case he was still asleep.

And just as he thought, Seok Min-Woo was sleeping on his bed, bottles of medicine were on the bedside table and a heart monitor was on the other side of him, the steady beeping of the machine put Baek at ease.

The coach had called in a doctor to check on the captain earlier. There were no major injuries, but the boy will be having difficulty in breathing and eating.

What more, Seok won't be able to play soccer for a month or two at the latest.

Baek closed the door shut behind him before walking to the side of the bed. He peered down at Seok's scrunched up face, indicating that despite his slumber, the pain was still unbearable.

"Seok-hyung..." Baek scratched the back of his head as a sign of unease. "I.... I'm sorry. I sold my soul to the devil and you got hurt trying to protect me."

Inazuma Eleven Orion: Mischievous Winter AngelWhere stories live. Discover now