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Massive thx for hitting 1k you guys rock! It made me so happy especially when I recently deleted TMAIA (8k reads) due to personal/safety reasons:/

And btw its Andy not Andrew for lukes father ok sorry! I'll fix it in the others


LIPS MOLDED, fingers touched, and clothing subsided. Aubrey pulled away from the kiss. She looked at the man who stood before her. She smiled at him and he pulled her closer. His fingers raked her auburn hair. She giggled at him. The door opened quickly. "Irwin, I need you out here now," Tommy bursted.

He groaned in response and kissed Aubrey on the forehead,"I'll be back baby." She pouted and gave him a hug. Tommy rolled his eyes and closed the door shut after he exited.

"Step one hits today," Andy nodded.

"Nice," he smiled.

"Alright," Tommy said,"get there in about five...ten minutes?"

"Yeah, yeah."


Irwin walked past the high school. He immediately spotting Ashton. He saw him wave to his friends, so he bolted off. When he reached a far enough distance, he waited for Ashton to turn the corner. Irwin caught a glimpse of him and then headed to the house to knock on the door.

He walked up the pathway and rolled his eyes. He raised his hand and knocked three times, then four. It opened to reveal Anne. "Hello-" her eyes widened. "I-I...w-what are you doing here?" Her voice was shaky. Irwin smiled.

"Long time no see, Annie," he smirked.

Annie was what he called her when they were together in high school. It was a nickname. "What are you doing here?!" Her voice went cold and her face hardened.

Irwin quickly looked behind him and saw Ashton walking up the walkway. His attention was on his phone as he walked blindly. "Just dropped by to see my son," he grinned. Ashton looked up. Irwin turned to him, then back to Anne.

"Anyways, Annie it was nice seeing you!" Irwin waved goodbye and fled.

Ashton looked at his mother shocked. She sighed and told him to come inside. "That was your father," she said after a silence. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes. "I-I don't why he suddenly came back after years. Everything was fine."

"Don't worry, let's just hope he won't do anything bad," Ashton frowned and hugged her.

The door was shut, saving them from any intruder. The curtains were pulled back, earning them a nice view of the neighborhood and the passing cars. Not many passed by, and there was only one parked on the curb across the street. It was pretty gloomy, but it was nice.

Some days, it was only the sky that changed. Nothing else.


Got a new phone. Anyways, I do hope you liked this chapter. I know it wasn't the best, but still :)

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