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okay so im using my computer to write this. sorry if there's any mistakes, i type faster on my touch screen rather than a keyboard. so yeah enjoy :)


THE BRIGHT LIGHTS blinded Flynn's vision and she cringed. Blinking a few times, she slowly came to realization that she was lying in a hospital bed. What the hell am I doing here? she thought. Flynn turned her head to see the vase of statice with a little note card. She picked it up and folded it open.

Your mom got you some statice and so did I. Calum and Michael kept asking why I didn't get you roses or some other cliche flower. I know statice are your favorite and I hope you remember.

love you lots, -luke xx

Flynn placed the note card back on the table and a nurse came in when she pressed the button for assistance. A petite woman, or girl rather, entered the room and smiled. "You're awake! I'll get the doctor for you. Do you need something? Water, snacks, anything?" The girl asked politely.

Flynn shook her head,"No it's fine."

Before the nurse exited the room she stopped and said,"Your boyfriend has been here the whole night. I told him he wasn't allowed to, but he refused and sat in those chairs for a long while. You're very lucky to have someone like him." She laughed a little and left. Flynn wondered who she was talking about. She stared at the white. speckled ceiling for a good ten minutes and a tall man with a lab coat opened the door.

"Hello Ms. Harper, I'm glad you've finally awoken. I'm Dr. John Smith. Your mother was really worried about you."


"What do you mean? Why am I even here?" Flynn asked genuinely confused.

"Oh...it seems you have lost a bit of memory. No worries, I'll run some tests. For now, I"ll explain and then I'll call your mother." The doctor opened the door once more and poked his head out the room to tell one of the nurses to call Rachel. He closed the door after a few seconds and turned to face Flynn. "It's difficult to say this, but you tried to commit suicide by overdosing on your pills."

The memory of taking those pills flashed into Flynn's mind and it honestly scared her. She replied with a quiet oh and asked the doctor to continue. "And you were asleep for quite awhile, two-three days at the most. I can't really predict or say when you'll get all your memories back. You need to take a test so we can determine how much you don't remember. Like I told your mother, neurological healing takes time. It all depends on you and how you choose to exercise you memory strength. I know it's hard for you to process everything at this time. But besides that, you've got quite a few visitors."

Flynn stayed shocked and frozen in place. Her entire body was aching all over. She instantly regretted taking those awful pills. She closed her eyes for a moment and she suddenly heard the door creak. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up to look who it was. "Shit...sorry, I didn't know you were resting, the d-doctor said it was o-okay to come in. Sorry, I'll just go," he stuttered and mentally cursed at himself.

"It's okay...um," she couldn't find the right words to say.

Luke's heart dropped. She couldn't have forgotten about me...did she? he thought. He desperately hoped Flynn remembered him. "Flynn...please tell me you remember me?" His voice cracked. Luke was on the verge of tears. He couldn't bare the thought of Flynn not remembering him.

"No, I'm sorry I don't." That's all it took to break his heart. Five words that can mean anything, broke his heart. Luke coughed to cover up the fact he was going to choke on his tears. He left the room with a simple okay and he didn't look back. He fled the hospital as quick as he could and in the car he cried and cried until there were no tears left to shed.

As Flynn layed in the bed, she sighed. Her mom entered shortly after Luke's sudden disappearance, "Honey...are you all right? Do you remember me?" She looked at Rachel and soon felt the wetness on her cheeks.

"I made a terrible mistake," she whispered to herself. She wished that someone would have heard her, even Luke.


ok so yeah i think that was too short. but you gotta understand im using the computer with my slow ass typing and it seems like a pretty long chapter considering i spent an hour on this. the next chapter is a continuation of this one btw so yeah

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