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my teacher played green day while we wrote in our journals #bestteacherever I bet you nobody knew it was green day except me!!!!1!111!


MICHAEL SIPPED on his drink. He walked with Ashton to the coffee shop. Luke starting acting weird again and they knew it was best to just give him some space. Flynn didn't know what was wrong with Luke. He seemed...off. He was always looking around, not paying attention, things like that. Ashton grabbed Michael's drink out of his hand and drank some from the straw.

"Hey!" Michael pouted. Ashton shrugged and they continued to walk back to his house. A person rushed past them, which caused Michael to drop his drink. Ashton whipped his head around to get a glimpse of the fleeing man, but got nothing. He noticed a small square-like object on the sidewalk.

Ashton said to Michael,"He dropped his wallet." Ashton bent down and picked up the tattered, brown wallet. He pulled out a piece of paper, a couple of bills, and a small photograph. Ashton handed Michael the photograph while he looked at the piece of paper. His eyes scanned the paper and the messy handwriting. He squinted and tried to decipher what it said.

"Ash," Michael gasped,"it's Flynn!"

Ashton didn't reply for a moment. He was still reading the paper. But nearing the end, he faced Michael. "What?" He looked at the picture and his jaw dropped,"oh my god..."

"FETUS!!!" They shouted at the same time.

"No...Ashton I think this is serious," Michael went quiet after. "That guy could be dangerous."


So, on Saturday night, they went over to Calum's house and invited Luke of course. They all sat around the floor. Luke's phone buzzed and he rolled his eyes.

"Damn Luke. Still getting booty calls?" Calum laughed. Luke did change. He went from a hot guy, but a douche bag, to a fluffy little unicorn (still hotter than the sun). He remembered when all he could focus on was partying and sleeping with girls. He was glad he changed. Luke checked his phone to see a text from Lily, imy bby :* it read. Since when were Luke and Lily in a relationship? His phone buzzed again, what do I do this time, daddy? And do you need help with Luke? His eyes grew large as he read it.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked.

"Guys, read this!" He shoved his phone in Michael face. Michael rolled his eyes and grabbed the phone while Calum and Ashton leaned over his shoulder. Ashton backed away and shifted uncomfortably. The boys didn't notice. Michael cringed in disgust and Luke shook his head in agreement.

"Why is she acting sketchy all of a sud-hey, man, you okay?" Calum asked looking over at Ash.


"Dude, what's wrong...wait," Michael paused for a moment. He burst out into laughter. His face got all red and he teared up. Luke and Calum looked at him confused. Michael crawled to where Calum sat and he whispered something in his ear. Calum furrowed his eyebrows and started laughing hysterically. He motioned to Luke. Ashton watched as his three best friends whispered back and forth. He looked away.

"Aww...Ash," Luke frowned and gave him a hug. "It's okay that you have daddy kink."

Ashton turned red,"It's not exactly that." The boys asked him to tell them, but he refused. He laughing to himself thinking about Flynn and their lessons together. Was that stupid, or what? He still couldn't believe that he did that...and now they were both fine. It was behind them. It was all just weird to him. They acted like it was nothing to them.


sucky chapter. EVERY SINGLE THING I PUT IN EACH CHAPTER MATTERS! notice how I kept mentioning drink...

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