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"Now, if you tell me, you can go home safe and free. We won't tell your parents," the police officer gave a stern look at Michael. Bel held her head down, daring not to look up. Michael didn't say anything. The police officer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He turned around and went back to his office.

Unfortunately, a police car was secretly following the two when they drove off. Bel just knew they'd get caught. Michael being the way he is, he forgot about security cameras. It was early morning now, the station couldn't take them in at nearly two o'clock in the morning.


"Luke," Liz called,"I'm stopping by the hospital to visit your aunt. We're going out for brunch."

"Okay," he called back. Luke closed his door shut and lied down back onto his bed. His eyes fixated on his shiny electric guitar sitting in the corner of his room. He hadn't played it in a long time. Luke laughed thinking back to the time he and the other boys had a band. It was silly, they thought. Everyone told them that.

His fingers grasped the neck of the beautiful instrument, and decided to give it a try. He plucked the the first string, but eventually losing himself into the sound of the vibrations. Luke closed his eyes and continued to strum the strings.

"I didn't know you could play," a voice interrupted. Luke whipped his head towards the direction of the door. Flynn smiled and had her arms crossed over his chest. He put his guitar onto his bed and got up to give her a kiss.

"I didn't know you were listening," he replied.

She pecked him on the lips. "Glad to know my boyfriend is not only a punk rock gentleman, but also a guitarist."

Luke raised an eyebrow,"Would you break up with me if I wasn't either?"

She shrugged,"I'd go for Michael." Who wouldn't go for Michael? He could go from a cuddly teddy bear to a hot piece of...you know what, in just milliseconds.

"Fair enough. I'd go for Michael too," he laughed,"I'm just glad you didn't say Ashton. It seems like everyone prefers the drummer."

"You guys should start a band."

"We had one, but it wasn't really serious."

"Got a name?"

"500 Years of Winter."

Flynn cringed,"That's awful. Winter sucks and 500 years? I think it should be Five Seconds of Summer."

"But there's only four of us."

"One for each of you and one to keep you all together," she smiled drawing tally marks onto his hand.


"Are you at a reasonable distance?" Luke yelled through the door.

"Yeah!" Flynn called back. She muffled her giggles as she held her phone in her hands.

The garage door opened slowly, as inches of the boys were shown. The door stopped at their wast. "Are you kidding me?" Ashton cried out,"God this happens all the time! The one time we try to be cool."

Flynn was crying of laughter and was still recording. Ashton stood up from where he was sitting at his drum kit and punched the button. The garage door slowly started to go up again. "One, two! One, two, three, four!" He shouted and they all began to play their instruments, fairly well.

Flynn laughed and kept listening. They really were something.

#filler #lulynn #banding #-NO STOP NO MORE HASHTAGS! hope you liked this fluff 😘

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