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omg calums nudes everybody. hes big. lord jesus help me


RACHEL WAS UNSURE about Flynn. She had honestly no idea what Flynn was upset about. "What do you mean honey? Are you okay? Well...I know considering the circumstances we're in, you're not." Rachel knew well enough to know that when people say they're fine or okay, they're not. We all know that.

Flynn raised her head and wiped the tears away,"N-Never mind. I-it's okay." But she wasn't okay. She shouldn't have lied to Luke. She did remember him, but she was stupid and lied to him. Flynn cursed at herself in her head. What was she thinking? Lying to him wasn't going to make things better, it made it worse.

Flynn thought that if she didn't remember Luke, she wouldn't have to deal with all the pain he caused her in the past...maybe even in the future. She knows it was wrong. Luke practically ran out the room crying. She felt awful. She felt like a bad person. Flynn just wanted to escape the hospital and run into Luke's arms.

Rachel held Flynn's hand and stroked it softly in a comforting matter. Flynn smiled sadly and looked towards the little note Luke had left her. Rachel decided to leave early and go back home. After she left, the door had opened again. Calum and Michael came into the room.

"Hey Flynn," they greeted her.

"Hi..." She trailed off. She was a little unsure about who they were, but that's what the doctor said.

"Dude, she doesn't remember us!" Calum half whispered, half yelled to Michael.

She was getting a little embarrassed. The only thing she remembered was Luke, her mom, and attempting suicide. She doesn't remember why she attempted it. "Well," Michael began awkwardly clearing his throat,"I hope you're okay and that you get your memory back."

She nodded and the two boys handed her get well cards, and even a stuffed lion.

"His name is Daniel. You can keep him, I don't mind...but wait-could you give him back when you get out of this hell hole?" Calum narrowed his eyes at the white haired boy (a/n: michael dyed his hair white again omg im gonna scream) and gave him a hard shove.

"Sorry," he coughed,"I'll get Ashton." Michael left the room momentarily while Calum and Flynn had a stare down. He sat on the edge of her bed and sighed.

"I know you're lying."

Lying about what...oh god he knows! she panicked in her head.

"About Luke I mean," he added.

"I-I d-don't know what y-you're talking about," she stuttered.

"Oh but I do," Calum grinned wickedly,

"and don't think I don't know about the other stuff."


this chapter sucks ass. its all shitty but hey, its an update. new character coming soon :)

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