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Jolene watched from the front porch as she watched her teen twin sons, Jacob and David, help their father plow the garden as her little girl Esther went behind dropping seeds into the ground. She couldn't help smile as she watched them work hard in the Virginia heat. She herself wiped at the sweat beading down her forehead and neck as headed out towards them with a fresh pitcher of cold lemonade and four tin cups. Ezra was the first to join his wife, quickly taking the first glass of the sweet and sour concoction. He wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled. He watched the boys quickly run over and a down the glass. Jolene had thanked God that her son took a resemblance of her father, tall with curly brown and beautiful brown eyes that would make any woman weak in the knees. The twin boys looked so much alike that only one small difference made them stand apart, Jacob had a circle shaped and silver dollar sized birth mark, on his left cheek. But her little somehow took the resemblance of Ezra, she and most people of the town knew who their father was but they always commented that she was tall and had similar facial features to Ezra but she was beautiful. She had had been invited to the icecream social tonight by three boys, but only agreed to Tommy Johnson and boy was she in love. Jolene could see it a mile away. She smiled as she felt Ezra rub her growing belly. After having the triplets, Jolene had told him on repeated occasions that she wasn't having anymore children but when the triplets were about eight she decided that she was ready to have another baby. Nothing ever really came of it till almost eight months ago when she woke up sicker than a dog. Ezra smiled as the baby kicked at his hand, gently rubbed as Esther looked up from her cup to look up at the sun. She smiled and said," Pa, can I go start getting ready for tonight? I don't want to smell like fertilizer and sweat when Tommy comes to pick me up." Ezra just nodded and before he could say anything Esther was running towards the house. Ezra just rolled his eyes as he looked to his boys. He sighed and said," You boys go off and get ready too. I don't want y'all to be late. Just watch and take care of your sister tonight if need be." Both boys gave their father a mock salute before they laughed and ran inside to clean up. Ezra rolled his eyes and kissed Jolene's lips. She smiled into the kiss and pulled away from him. She sighed and said," Oh I'll be happy when this baby comes. I swear I'm miserable in this heat." Ezra smiled and began leading her down a small path by their home. She slapped his hands away and said," No were not sneaking off to the creek. That's how were in the situation were in now." Ezra just shrugged before laughing as went to her side heading back towards the house. Ezra took her hand in his and said," Jojo, all them years ago when we brought these kids into the world I never imagined that they would almost grown and before we know it Tommy will be here asking permission to marry Esther and the boys, I just hope they find someone who can handle them as we have." Jolene giggled and squeezed his hand. Jolene looked up to Esther standing at the door with her brothers, holding up two dresses. She watched as Esther asked her brothers which one she should wear. She couldn't help but giggle again, seeing them in deep thought before both of them pointing to the opposite dresses. Ezra just shook his head at his boys and said," Let's just pray this one is another girl. I don't think I can handle anymore mini-me's." Jolene smiled as she leaned against him and looked between him and their children. She was blessed, beyond blessed. She never thought such good things could happen for her after that horrible day but she married a man she loves, had three beautiful children, and another on the way. Jolene rubbed her belly and said," Well to be honest I wouldn't mind another boy. I don't think I can take another girl. I love Esther but she's been a whirlwind lately. I know she's 15 but still." Ezra smiled and placed his hand on her baby bump. He kissed her cheek as they walked as they walked inside.

A few weeks later Jolene woke in the middle of the night, her body screaming in pain. Her water had broke. She woke Ezra up and he quickly slipped on his shirt ready to run and get his mother. Jolene stopped him by throwing the blankets off and said,"Don't leave. I think I already feel the baby coming." Ezra was quick to spread her legs and already found the baby crowning. Ezra encouraged her to push and just as quick as her labor the baby was here. He held the baby as it screamed out and laughed. He smiled up at Jolene and said," It's boy. Jojo, he's beautiful." Jolene couldn't help let happy tears roll down her cheeks as he laid the baby on her chest. Jolene laughed as Ezra said," I think that's the only one in there. I hope." Jolene's laugh died down to a giggle as she started breastfeeding the new baby boy. She let out a happy sigh and said," Welcome to the world, Marshall Jay.

Esther, Jacob and David stared down at the baby in their mother's arms as she gently rocked the new baby to sleep. Esther couldn't help but want to hold the baby. Esther sat down with her mother and said," Did it hurt?" Jolene smiled as she thought about the pain but the pain was all worth it. Jolene gently laid the baby against her chest and said," I'm not going to lie to you. It was painful but not as painful as bringing you three into the world. With you three I couldn't walk right for a week." David and Jacob laughed as Ezra came in holding his cowboy hat. He smiled and said," Alright kids. I know you guys want to hang out with your mama and the new baby but we gotta get back to work on the garden and taking care of the cattle. The kids lightly groaned as the boys followed their father out and Esther kissed her mom's temple before running out of the room. Jolene smiled as she looked down at Marshall and said,"Oh, baby, you have a wonderful family. You have two big brothers and a big sister. You have an amazing father who saved me more time than I could count. We lucked out, Marshall Jay." Ezra snuck back into the room and planted a short, passionate kiss on her lips. She looked at him surprised as he pulled away. He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and said," If anyone lucked out it was me, Jojo. I got an amazing family and the love of my life." Jolene just rolled her eye as she pecked his lips again before he strutted out of the room. She giggled as she heard Jacob say," You guys are disgusting. I think I'm scared for life after seeing that."

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