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Jolene sleepily trudged her way to the barn to start her morning chores of milking the cow and collecting the eggs. Jolene grabbed the nearby milking stool as she approached the old Bessey's stall. Jolene ran a hand along Bessey's back as she said," Good Morning, ole girl." The cow mooed a response as she sat down on her stool. Jolene rubbed her hands together getting her hands warm and toasty against the cold fall weather. Jolene began milking, humming 'Amazing Grace' as she went. She slowly slipped into her own world as she quickly got to work. The light 'ting' of spurs fell deaf upon her ears as she began singing . A man with a red bandana wrapped around his half his face drew his gun from his waistband as he slowly approached the unsuspecting Jolene. He stood behind her staring down at the innocent teen in front of him before he wrapped an arm around her neck and putting the gun barrel to her temple. Jolene let out loud scream as drug her up from the stool, sending Bessey into a frenzy. He chuckled and said," Now little lady, none of that screaming stuff. You don't want me killing that precious pregnant mama of yours." Jolene quit squirming and screaming as he threatened her mother. He began walking them to the house where she saw two more bandits walking her father and older brother back to the house. They were all shuffled into the house to find her mother tied to a chair. They all soon followed suit. Jolene felt the wondering eyes of bandits on her shapley body. She knew her fate when this was over unless a true miracle would come true.

The bandits soon had sacks full and soon would have plenty of entertainment. Jolene was untied as they put gags on her parents and her older brother Joshua. Jolene was dragged from the chair and dragged down the hall to her parents bedroom. She was left alone in the room with the man with the red bandana and a man with a blue bandana. The man with the red bandana slipped it down around his neck. Showing a large scar that covered his left cheek. She audibly gulped in fear as he said," Undress slowly." She choked back her sobs as she began unbuttoning the buttons around her wrists and untying the apron from around her waist. She pulled her blue dress over head, leaving her in her chemise. She jumped slightly as the man with the scar came over to her grabbing her arms. She let out squeal as he pulled her against his front. She blinked away the tears as he looked her over and her pushed onto the bed. The man with the blue bandana quickly came over and held her down as she heard the jingle of a belt buckle.

Hours later Jolene was drug from the back bedroom in her torn chemise. Bruises and red spots covered her tear stained cheeks. Her busted lip had scabbed over and the red ring around her throat would soon bruise. Her mother sobbed against her gag as saw the blood staining her legs and chemise. Her daughter's innocence was taken from her too soon. The man with the large scar followed soon behind having another man tie her back to the chair. He couldn't help but chuckle as he said," Thank you folks. You've been too kind. No hard feelings but we can't have any witnesses." This brought Jolene from her daze. As she watched him pull his gun from his waistband and pointing at her father. She began screaming and begging him to stop as he pulled the trigger. She heard her mother screaming against the gag as they watched her father slump forward. He was dead. Jolene began squirming and jerking, making her chair tip side ways. All she could see was her family's feet as two more gun shots rang out. Her family was dead. Sobs racked her body as a pair of dusty boots came into her line of vision. He chuckled and said," Let's leave her. I've done killed her spirit. Plus someone's got to tell the story." She heard boots against the wooden floor and the door slamming. She wished he'd killed her.

Sherriff Henry McClain made his daily rounds, trying to reach most of ranches on the outskirts of town. Today he wanted to visit the Allen ranch. With Mrs. Allen due anyday now he wanted to check on the family and drop off the new baby blanket his wife made for the new Allen family member. He looked around as the smell of smoke brought him from his thoughts. He looked up to find a steady stream of black smoke coming from the Allen ranch in the distance. He brought his horse to a gallop as he raced to the direction of smoke. He sighed in relief as he saw the barn on fire instead of the house but something wasn't right. He hopped from his horse and slowly approached the house. He could smell irony stench of blood a mile away. He let out a heavy sigh as he made his way inside. He frowned as he found three of the four Allen's tied to chairs and gagged. Dead. Henry blinked away tears as he saw one of childhood best friends dead. He checked the the corpses for life only to find nothing. Henry looked around, looking for Jolene. His eyes landed on a turned over chair with a small, half naked body tied tied tightly in. He quickly ran over and looked down at little Jolene. His eyes watered as he found her taking small shallow breaths. He quickly thanked the Lord above before he said," Jolene, sweety, It's Sherriff Henry. I'm here to help." He watched as she slowly opened her eyes looking up into his brown orbs. He watched as she gently nodded before closing her eyes again. Henry began cutting away the rope ties. He looked around and picked up a nearby quilt. He gently wrapped her up and picked her up. He lifted her over his shoulder before hopping on his horse, taking her town.

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