♡Bonus Chapter: prt.2♡

Start from the beginning

"Don't 'Bubbles' me, you're acting like you have no regard for human life," I sat up in a rush and jabbed her chest with my pointer.
"You could've killed her and then we'd be dealing with something bigger than lawsuit threat."

I could still see Gina's nose and mouth blood smeared all over the bleached white floors. It was the worst thing I'd ever seen, I never want to have to do it again. She wouldn't stop, she just kept going and going and I had to pull her off.

We looked like crazy people.

If people wanted to hate us then they had a valid reason now. She destroyed the All American, blonde hair, blue eyes, bound for Harvard teenage girl. People hate when you mess with their values. And as much as I hate to say it, she's a value.

"Well, what do you want me to do now? It's over!" Her scowl was back on and it made me suddenly tired. I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch. And looked down at her.

"I'm going to sleep," turned around with such force that my hair fanned out behind me. The effect was nice enough to convey my negative feelings.

By the time I made it to my room, my phone vibrated in my hand. I hadn't looked at since Dinner to be honest.

Quickly shut my door and locked it to keep Cam out for the night. She doesn't deserve comfort tonight, she can sleep in her own hard bed, alone tonight.

That's mean isn't it?

I huffed and unlocked the door.

But she's being so hardheaded!

With my hand in the lock I turned it back.

No one should take safely and comfort away from anyone.

I unlocked it agin and looked at the knob for a .

FUCK! Why can't I just make a simple decision! A simple decision to lock out my sister, stupid.

I huffed and left the door, then I finally crashed in my bed and looked at my phone.

A shockwave of fear ran though me when I saw the old contact pop up. I actually jumped and nearly dropped my phone.

Gianna Banks:  I'm supposed to tell you sorry so I'm sorry. My parents aren't going to sue.

I just stared and my hands kind of shook. I didn't know what to say.

I should apologize too. Yeah that's a good idea, right.

Me: It's okay, I'm sorry too.

As soon as I sent it, I regretted it, it felt so...I don't know, impersonal.

Gianna Banks: for wut?

What did she mean for what, most of this shit happened because of me.

Me: Cameron have you concussion, that's what. She could've seriously damaged you, I'm so sorry.

Gianna Banks: but she didn't. I'm the one who pushed you. In the one who is sorry...

Me: why did you push me?

I froze in place. I didn't mean to ask that, how could I just ask her that. Now she'll stop being nice to me again. What did I just do?

Gianna Banks: idk, that's what makes it so fucked up I guess. The locker room thing was supposed to be a joke, but then everyone just painted me the bad guy, and I just did it

My heart skipped a beat of pain.

A joke. A fucking joke.

Me: What's so funny about cornering me, and holding me down?

Me: You watched me scream and cry while they yanked my pants down. I wanted you to help me.

Gianna Banks: I know...i still have nightmares about it. I can't imagine how it made you feel.

Suddenly, it became hard to type my feeling out and the topic wasn't one to hold over text. I needed to hear her voice, I need to to hear if she was actually sorry or not. So I tapped her name and watched my smartphone dial out to her.

She answered immediately.

"Are you really sorry?" I choked out the words in a pathetic whisper,  I didn't realize I was crying until I opened my mouth. The question now was why I was crying, out of self pity, out of anger, out of weakness, maybe it was mixture of everything.

The silent static of space dissapeared when she started to speak, her voice was husky and nice like I remembered, "yes, I'm so sorry, it hurts. I hate myself for ever being pushed into it."

"You got peer pressured into bullying me, by who?" I stated out of disbelief more than anything. People hated me that much that they would put my friends against me.

"Rina and some jock friends, she says she was just trying to get back at-" she cut herself off midsentence. Her breathe hitched and and could hear all the air flow out of her.

"Who, get back at who, G?" I asked frowning that the wall I'd focused my sights on.

"You haven't called me G, since," her voice fell to a soft whisper,  the same way she used to talk me to sleep on a bad day. An angry rush ran through me and I already knew the answere before she said it.

"Who!?" I asked in an exhaused rush of air. There was the only one logical answer to the question.


I knew it.

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