Mom :(

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       I woke up the next morning in a state of euphoria. I had crashed in Avri's bed with her and Tom slept on the floor. Tom was hugging a pillow on the floor and avri was crashed out sucking her thumb, a bad habit that we defiantly need to try and break.
I slowly got out of bed and then crept around Tom to go down stairs to the kitchen. I looked down at my ring and smiled.
"Good morning" mom said as i walked into the kitchen
"Morning momma" I smiled at her and opened the fridge.
"Have you told Indio about any of this yet?" That made me sad. Indio and I have always been so close and the best of friends but lately he seems like he hasn't had time for me. I tried constantly to get together with him or talk with him but to be honest I've given up.
"I have absolutely no clue what's going on in his life" I frowned "he doesn't talk to me anymore and puts no effort into doing so, one sided relationships can only last so long until the one person gets tired of putting in all there effort and thats what happened" I grabbed a yogurt and a spoon and sat at the island
"Baby he probably wants to hang out with you but just doesn't have time" mom began loading the dishwasher
"He's literally out every night drinking and partying with that new girlfriend. I mean when is he gonna get his life together, he's almost 28 for god sakes and has no steady job"
       "I know I worry about him a lot, I don't think this girl is good for him. He's still getting money from your father" she admitted to me shaking her head
       "That is just ridiculous oh my god what the heck? He's 26? I mean I'm 23 and I'm paying my own bills"
       "He just needs to find something like you and Tom have" mom told me as she closed to dishwater "it upsets me so much that he's letting his life waste away while trapped on this bitch of a girl"
       "He won't even let me meet her for god sakes"
       "You don't wanna meet her" mom rolled her eyes
       "I just miss him I guess"
        "I know I'm sorry he's going through this right now it sucks a lot I know but maybe text him and make plans be like listen you're changing. Maybe you can try and knock some sense into him, maybe then he'll realize that this isn't a joke. Addiction runs in our family for god sakes" mom put her face in her hands "I'm just so scared for his future"
       She began crying and I ran over to her "mom it's okay...we will fix it" I hugged her and then began tearing up seeing her like this. It made me mad at Indio that mom had to constantly worry for him like this.
         "I tell your dad all the time and he just changes topics cause it's hard for him to talk about anything related to addiction and abuse of usages. But it's not something that I keep wanting to put off cause I think he needs help Aurora"
         "It'll all be okay and we are here to help him. He has an amazing family it's not like we won't be there for him no matter what, and you know Indio. As stupid as he is, he's not a complete Moran...he's smart and knows what he's doing" I reassured her but I was only half truth. Indio isn't a complete idiot but addiction does run in our family. Addiction is also something serious and not something to just blow over and not something to just think will blow over. 
       "Good Morning ladies" Tom walked in the kitchen and immediately froze "shoot should I go upstairs I'm sorry I'll go shoot sorry" Tom panicked and didn't know what to do seeing us both standing in the kitchen hugging and crying.
      Mom broke away from the hug "no it's fine i was just going to the bathroom" and mom scurried off up to the stairs and to her room.
       "Is everything alright darling?" Tom walked over and kissed my cheek, engorging me in a huge hug.
      "Yeah...shes just getting worried about Indio" i admitted to him. We stayed in the hug for quite some time because I felt safe. I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest listening to his heart beat and letting every worry wash away, even if it was just for those 3 minutes that we hugged, I couldn't be more greatful to have Tom. To know that Tom would be there for me till the end. To know that I am having Toms child, everything in my life is falling into place piece by piece. It's almost unsettling how perfect everything is. I just hope nothing bad happens soon....

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