How Does It Feel?

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Remember those times

When you continuously pushed me down?

Remember those times

When you stole my crown?

Remember those times

When you kicked me off my throne

With nothing but a look of greed shown?

So tell me now

How does it feel

Being on your knees

Begging me "please"?

How does it feel

Kneeling by my feet

Always being beat?

How does it feel

When I kick dirt in your eyes

Making you lose sight

When everything green turns to white?

Remember those times

When you laughed in my face

Making fun of my race

Calling me a disgrace?

So why don't you tell me

How does it feel

Being in my place?

How does it feel

When you kiss my ass

Cleaning up the shit

Not missing one bit?

How does it feel

When I pass the gas

And you sniff it all in

Making your head spin?

How does it feel

When I pull out your eyes

To make up for your lies?

How does it feel

As I inject needles through your brain

Making it rain

Pretty little red?

Remember those times

When I used to be smacked

For how much I lacked?

Remember those times

You pushed me around

Even though I've done no wrong

But you just wanted me gone?

Remember those times

When you and your buddies

Laughed at how funny

It was when my bloody nose was runny?

Now you tell me

How does it feel

When it's your turn on the ground

Being pushed around?

How does it feel

When I'm at the top

Does it remind you of the time

When you were once so high

You thought you could reach the sky?

And that nothing could ever make you cry?

Well too bad

Now you've lost it all

While I've gained it all

Now I'm going to watch you sink

As I drink

And enjoy our beautiful memories

So tell me

How does it feel

Licking my piss?

Does it remind you

Of all the things you miss?

So tell me

Yeah, tell me

How does it feel, huh?

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