All Alone

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All alone

Locked up in solitude

With the door sealed tight

Making sure that no one can intrude

All alone

In her little privacy, she cries

Slowly and painfully

On the inside, she dies

She's been hurt

Too many times before

She's had enough

Her humanity has been torn to the core

She's trusted too many times

The aftertaste, is sour like limes

She's exposed herself too much

Her heart became soft to the touch

She had given herself away

Became an open book

Where all it took was one look

For anyone to see inside her

And read the deep dark secrets beneath the cover

She had let her guard down

And now she has been left to drown

Her weakness has been exposed

And now she is being disposed

Like trash, she's thrown out

Her cries ignored, no matter how loud of a shout

Now all that's left within her

Are regrets of the past

She wished she had kept her secrets under

This happy dream disappeared way too fast

She's been broken, again and again

She's too afraid to trust any longer

She swears that she'll become stronger

All alone

Locked up in solitude

Keeping out all light

With the door sealed tight

Making sure no one can invade

She's afraid that her soul might fade

She will no longer trust again

For all her trust is always broken

It's safer to keep to herself

Tucked away, like a book on a shelf

She's afraid to let others peek inside

For they might discover her weak side

Caring is her deepest fear

She no longer wants to hold anyone dear

Everyone ends up leaving

And she is always the one grieving

All alone

She crawls inside a hole

Her heart blackened and dull

She swears she will never trust again

For she has trusted too many times

But all she has been told are lies

Now she's all alone again

And all alone, she cries

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