Inside You

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I am the darkness inside

Engraved into your heart

Within you, I reside

No matter where you are

I am here by your side

I am the burden

Better off left behind

I am the insane

With all loss, but no gain

I carry no future

And have no hope

I am the evil

The one that sleeps inside

I am the hated

The one you wish to kill

I am the prisoner

The one you refuse to set free

Time and time again

You try to demolish me

But here I am

And I will forever be

I am the part of you

That you wish was never true

I crush dreams

And ignite flames of lies

You are a puppet in my hands

And I am the master

I pull the strings

I am the core of disaster

Betrayal is my name

Dishonesty is my game

So we shall play

But don't blame me

When all you feel is dismay

I am the truth

But I am also the lies

Which one is it?

It's up for you to decide

I am the careless

The selfish

I am the unwanted

The dirtied

My soul is not pure

And neither is my heart

I bring distaste

And I'm thought of as waste

You try to shake me off

But I'm latched on to you

For an eternity I suppose

Till the moment you die

I am the feared

The one pushed aside

I live in shadows

The lowest of all lows

I resemble cruelty

And represent insincerity

I push you in the wrong direction

I burn your humanity to ashes

I am what causes you to kill

I am all the anger that dwells

Built over time

Stacked in a well

Hoped to be forgotten

But always ends up spilling

I am you

And you are me

Together, we are "we"

But we are emerged into "I"

All the negativity

The lack of positivity

It lives inside you

It can't be pushed out

Can't be forgotten

You can't demolish it

You can only conquer it

Don't let it eat you inside out

Follow your soul

Whenever you have that doubt

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