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This will basically be the book in which I write all of my personal thoughts down, in the form of poems. :) If you would like to get inside my head, then you are welcome to read any of the poems I post. (current and future ones) This book will NEVER be completed, because whenever I have a new thought, I will update.


Every time those eyelids shut

A nightmare awaits

Glaring at you through those piercing eyes

The darkness welcomes you into their abyss

In the daytime

With the sun's engulfing light

Busy people

Busy activities

Busy life

There's not much time to think

About all the flaws in life

But now, it's different

Because it is night

Every time those eyelids shut

A nightmare awaits

Glaring at you through those piercing eyes

The darkness welcomes you into their abyss

It is now the time of day

The hour, in which everything awakes

The terrror

The pain

The sorrow

It all seeps in

With each tick of the clock

Each silent second

There is nothing keeping the thoughts away

The darkness traps you in its arms

Leaving you no escape

It's just you

You and your hollow soul

With your ringing thoughts

Filled with nothing but negativity


Every time those eyelids shut

A nightmare awaits

Glaring at you through those piercing eyes

The darkness welcomes you into their abyss

Like a bird

Set free from its cage

Your thoughts are now given freedom

To roam with no extent


I honestly hope you liked the first poem :3 please leave a comment on your opinion of it! I would love to know what you think.

A Book of Little Poems ;)Where stories live. Discover now