We Meet Again

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Now Mercy, Tracer and McCree know about your tattoo. McCree was the main person that you didnt want to see it."Well Y/N?" Tracer gets up from her seat, to stand next to you on the left side of the bed. You look down at your tattoo. Then look up at Mercy. "Well Angela no disrespect." "But that's really none of his business and I promise you and Lena this, I'm not working for them." Mercy puts the clipboard down and sits down next to your bed. "Y/N I know you arnt working for them." "Maybe you did back when you were a gun for hire." "But obviously you didnt stick around to long to fully join them." "Besides you put a few of them down today." "If you were working for them you wouldn't have killed them." "Plus you are a good man." "You wouldn't betray us. Mercy grabs your right hand. "If you dont want me to Jesse why I wont." "But can you tell me and Lena why? You look back down at your tattoo. Tracer grabs your robot hand "I promise you Love." "We aren't mad." "Well the truth is I did use to do jobs for them and I made some friends along the way." "Luckily none of them were at the station today." "Well my friends liked me so much that they paid for the tattoo." "Not because I was part of the gang but just something to remember them by." "I knew Jesse was in the gang which is why I tried to hide it and I didnt want him or anyone else to think that I was a criminal, on the run." "Tracer and Mercy both give you a hug. "Y/N thank you." "For what Angela?" Smile comes across Mercy face. "For trusting us." "I'm sorry I didnt tell you two more." "I just didnt know how to explain." " I understand Y/N." "It's just I dont get to see my blood family really anymore." "I miss them and I was afraid that I would get kicked out of Overwatch and not really get to see guys either." " "You are the only family I really get to see." "Sssshhh its ok Love." "You are our family to." "Lena Is right Y/N, we love you and you part of this family." "We would never kick you out, I promise." Mercy gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Now I believe you owe Lena a poker game." "So I'll leave you guys to that. " Mercy picks up her clipboard and walks out. "Bye Angela." Tracer blinked out and blinks right back in the room. "I'm so happy you're ok Love!" Shes says while carrying your poker set. You smile. "You really want to beat Emily in Poker, dont you?" Tracer nods. "Yes please teach me I'm tired of losing." "Alright will play for only an hour maybe two." "Cause I want to go out to the bars." "Are you sure you want to go out with a messed up leg?" "I'll be fine Lena." "Cant I come with you love?" She says with a concerned look on her face. "Not this time Lena." You grab the dect of cards. "You sure Y/N?" You look up at Lena while shuffling the cards. "Lena I'll be fine." "Alright Love." "But atleast bring me back some chicken." You laugh. "Yeah I can do that." (2 hours go by) "Alright Lena I'll see you later." Bye Y/N and please be careful."I will." You grab your crutches, walk out of the base and towards the bar. The bar is about 10 minutes walk from the base. You have one revolver strapped to your waist. Just in case. You never know who you will run into. You about 2 minutes away from the bar when you hear a voice coming from the alleyway. "I told you this wasn't over gunman." You stop in your tracks. "I know that voice." You whisper to your self. You pull your revolver out and point it down the alleyway. Sure enough Ashe is standing there no gun, no crew, not wearing her armor or vest. She puts her hands up and takes a few step towards you. "No need to point guns Sugar." "I just want to talk." You dont let your guard down, cant make that same mistake again. "Still not that much of a talker huh?" You stay quiet. "I know you got every reason to be pissed at me and maybe you want to turn me into your overwatch buddies. She takes 3 steps closer. Your eyes start to wonder looking up and down Ashes body. Shes so beautiful. You think to yourself. You snap out of those thoughts and pull the Hammer back on your revolver. "Gunman I just want to talk and I do want to do something else, but that can wait." "I mean you no harm." "I got no weapon or any of the gang members with me." She spins around to show you she has no weapons. You look down at her ass in leather pants. She spends back around. Your eyes wonder up to her chest. "I promise I mean you no har-."
She stops talking cause she notices you checking her out. An evil grin comes a cross her face. "Well I guess we both want the same thing now?" "Dont we?" You put the gun down and look away from her. "I dont know what you are talking about." She starts walking towards you again. But this time you dont even notice. "I think you do gunman."You think back to when you were on the ledge. How she played with you but didnt kill you. "You shot me!" "I needed to make a point." She says staying perfectly calm. Shes knows your one of your weaknesses and shes about to use it. "What point is that?" "I wanted you to know I take my work very seriously." Shes 3 steps away from being right in front of you. "Look I don't know what you want or why you are here." You start to look up expecting her to be 25 feet out. "But I know this I'm not falling for one of your tricks, you won't trap me aga-." Your sentence gets cut off. As you look up to be eye to eye with Ashe. Ashe giggles. "To late for that sugar. Because you already fell into one my traps."

Rookie and the Robber (Ashe X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora