This aint over

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There you are laying on an edge of a cliff, with a beautiful woman choking you out with her heals, a rifle resting over your heart and blood going down your leg. "You look really cute, down there underneath my boots." "Kinky bitch." You are able to let out a few words. Shes starts to loosen up pressure on your neck. "Oh don't act like you arnt enjoying this." "Who says I am?" She looks down at your crotch. Well you tell me. She takes the rifle off your heart and moves it down to your crotch. She moves the barrel up and down slowly, between your legs. Putting a bit of pressure. You let out a small moan. Immediately covering your mouth. "Ya I saw that bulge in your pants." "Enough games Ashe, just let me go!" She moves the barrel away from crotch and puts the pressure back on your neck. "I'm not done having my fun yet!" Your face starts to turn red. "Cant breath." She let's out a small giggle. "Hmmm that's right, black out." Meanwhile on the ground. Theres the rest of Gang Members have surrendered. "Woohoo!" "We did it!" Tracer jumps for joy. "Great job Jesse." Mercy give Jesse a kiss on the cheeck. "Well thank you Mercy." McCree turns his ear piece on. "Hey Rookie you did good." "You can come down now." Static is all he hears. "Rookie you there?!" "Y/N come in over!" Tracer hears Jesse trying to reach you. She looks down from the roof and shouts. "What's wrong Jesse?" "I can't get a hold of him." Tracer looks up at the ledge to see Ashe choking you out. She quickly blinks to the tunnel, then up. Your vision starts to get blurry. "Quick struggling!" You finally pass out. "Damn, you arnt easy to deal with. She notices a tear in your jacket on your left arm. Shes see what looks like a black wing. She puts her gun down beside her. Her eyes widened as she pulls the tear a bit more open. You! You're one of us! She picks her gun up and staggers back. "How could you betray us!" She shakes her head. As she's standing there tracer blinks up behind her and pushes her off the ledge. "Oh shit!" "BOB DO SOMETHING!!" She screams while falling. A huge omnic comes out of no where to catch her. "Get us out of here Bob!" The huge omnic runs off with her in his arms. "I'll be back just you wait!" "And will be waiting." Jesse replys in a calm voice. "Jesse over here!" Tracer shouts. Jesse turns around to see Tracer carrying you with your arm around her shoulders. Jesse runs over to help. "What happened to him?" "That white haired bitch!" "That's what happened!" Mercy yells from the ship. "Bring him in quick!" *7 hours later* You wake up at overwatch base in the medical bay. You look up to see the TV and DVD player you brought from home. Playing your favorite TV show. (One of my favorite shows is I Love Lucy) You look out the window. The sun is starting to set. You think. Damn it must be 7:00. You look over to see Tracer sitting next to you, holding your hand and watching the show. "Hey Lena this is my favorite part." Huh Y/N your awake! You cough. "Ya." Tracer blinks to the table to grab your drink. "Here you go Love." "Thanks Lena" She give you a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok." "I was worried." "Why?" "You know I'm hard to kill." She smiles "Yes I know Y/N." You smile back at her. "Besides I still need to teach you how to play Poker." "Yes please do, Emily has been winning every game we play.' "She hasn't teached you?" "No she just gives me 5 cards and I always lose." "We can play here in a bit." "Yay!" She gives you another hug." Mercy comes in. "Hows my favorite patient?" "I'm doing alright Angela." "It seems your feeling a bit better." "Ya a bit." "Anything hurt?" "Uuummm my leg." "Its going to for bit." "Jesse is sorry he cant be here." "Where is he? "He is still at the police station." "Making sure the Deadlock gang doesn't return." "But he did want me to ask you some questions." "If you are up for it." "Ask away." "What do you last remember?" "Ashe looking directly into my eyes." "Ok do you know why she spared you?" "No." "Hm Jesse says Ashe does like to play with her food, but shes doesnt spare them or play with them for that long." You think back to when she was playing with your crotch. "I have no idea why Angela. "Hmmm." "Also he wants to know and I want to know as well." "Why do you have the Deadlock Rebels logo tattooed on your left arm?" "Well ummm."

Rookie and the Robber (Ashe X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now