11. Fire/Ice

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''I can't believe I turned down helping with the dance for this,'' I lifted a stray fake feather that had fallen on the floor and put it on a nearby table

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''I can't believe I turned down helping with the dance for this,'' I lifted a stray fake feather that had fallen on the floor and put it on a nearby table.

''Relax,'' Faye walked amongst the disaster that was Lee's garage, ''You want to learn more about this ring or not?''
My eyebrows rose up and I looked at a familiar corner. Thank god, the sheep's head wasn't there anymore.
''What's so cool about this thing anyway?''

''It's fun. You know, doing things like a normal teenager that isn't chased around by demons and witch hunters.''

''I think boring is what you mean,'' she took sunglasses on a table and turned to Lee.
''You cleaned up the place,''

''Yeah,'' He answered as she blew him a kiss and set the glasses back down. ''Next time you want to trash my garage give me a heads up.''
He shrugged her off and turned to me, ''Did you bring it?''

I nodded and reached into my bag as Faye continued to talk.
''You know none of this is expensive.'' Lee didn't even bother to answer so she turned back to him, ''What?''

''Nothing. We both know why you're here.''
Faye nodded but before she could speak, I did.
''I can't find it.'' I'd searched every corner of my bag just now and still nothing.

''Did you check the inside pockets?''

''What kind of jerk needs inside pockets?''

''Faye,'' I turned to him after warning the girl, ''it has a habit of disappearing. It's the second time in two days. Is this is part of...'' I hesitated about what to say suddenly but luckily, Lee didn't.

''A legend? A myth? A story made up to scare children into eating their vegetables?'' He shot me a look but I could only give a skeptical shrug back.

''Oh, look at that,'' Faye picked up something that resembled a hammer and turned to us, ''he has a sense of humor.''

Lee sighed and walked away from the counter, only to come closer to me.
''Give me your hand.''

I wasn't totally convinced that he was for real but if I couldn't help to set things up for the Fire and Ice dance, I could be just on time to play dress up and makeup with my friends.
''Can we do this quick? I have to meet up with Cassie and dress up for the dance.''

Something fell and crashed on the floor and our heads snapped up to Faye.
''Shit; it was ugly anyway.''

Lee squeezed my palm and closed his eyes, ignoring everything else and urging me to do the same.
''Where did you see it last?''

Oh, right.
''Never mind,'' I answered, ''It's not lost, I just left it at home.''

''Seriously?'' Someone scoffed behind me.

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