This artifact belonged to the LeBlanc family from the early thirteenth century to the seventeenth century.
The legend has it that this ring was made by the Devil himself and offered to the early centuries' wealthy family as a gift in exchange of their souls.

After the fire that killed eight of the nine members of the LeBlanc family in 1689, the only survivor, Josephine LeBlanc was convicted of witchcraft and burnt at the stake on the public place on May, 3rd, 1691.
Since then, all the owners of the ring have constantly complained that it was talking or even go as far as to say that it screamed the way Josephine had when she was executed... will you be brave enough to bear the Curse of Josephine?

I paid much less attention to the last sentence than the others above and looked back at the ring cautiously.
If it were true, that meant that it had belonged to a family of witches.
Could it be some sort of an enchanted artifact?
In a pawn shop?
Well, if there was one thing that pawn stars had taught me, it was that you could find the weirdest stuff in this kind of shops.

''Technically, it's an antique shop.''
I nearly fell over the glass at the voice that boomed behind me.
I wondered if I'd spoken aloud but I turned around to see none other than Calvin Wilson, the owner.
''Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you.''

He apologized but I shook my head and put a hand to my still fast beating heart.
''No worries. I was daydreaming.''

He smiled and turned his eyes to the pedestal but I was more surprised that he'd decided to hop off his counter and back into the real world.

''Damn. I don't even know why it's here,'' he took two steps forward and went behind the pedestal, fishing keys in his pocket. ''It's supposed to be out back. Nadine forgot. Don't worry, I'll get this fi-''
''Hm, actually... can I buy it?''

Calvin's head snapped up when I cut him off -even though I was as surprised as him- and I was worried I'd said something bad.
''Unless, it's not up for sale?''

''It is.'' His arm had stopped in the middle of opening the glass door and the keychain dangled from his hand.

''Wow, okay. I guess it's no use asking for different colors, right?''

He didn't get my joke and only kept on staring at my face, doing so for a few minutes.
At last, he cracked a smile.

''No, no, sorry.'' He put the key in but the lock seemed to be jammed. ''Oh, look at that,'' the keychain fell from his hands and onto the floor, ''Minor problem. Just go to the counter, I'll meet you there.''

I nodded and cast another quick glance at the ring before walking away toward the register.

Cassie was already there, a plastic skeleton in hand.
''Found anything?''

''Just an old ring. My mom's crazy about old things and her birthday's coming up next week.''
I pointed to the skeleton, ''You did too?''

''Yep,'' she held up the skeleton by it's skull, ''Faye's making me buy it.''

I nodded and fished my wallet, ''I got it.''

Cassie smiled and held the thing away from her. ''Thanks,''
She opened her mouth and her eyes roamed around the ground, proof that she was wondering what to say until she looked back up to me.
''Are you guys okay? I mean you and Faye. What's the deal?''

I looked to her and checked the price tag on a rib of the skeleton. ''She can be bitchy.''

Cassie nodded and pursed her lips ''I can definitely relate. And, if you need anyone to talk to-''
''You're here. You and the others, I mean.''

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